Title: Gimmie the Night Pairing: Taecyeon/OC Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance/Friendship Disclaimer: I do not own Taecyeon or 2pm (although I wish) just the storyline and fictional character.
OMGAHHHH how can you do this to me....worst cliffhanger EVER! lol...just kidding but omg...poor suka...>.< i wonder whats gonna happen next...cant wait for the update
Ooh!!! I loved that u used that article! :)) i was very angry when i saw that. not that taec shouldn't date, but why sica of all people? D: (is a sica hater. lol. see pre-debut pics for reference)
aigooo. why did you leave me hanging like that? XD update soon!
Comments 6
i was very angry when i saw that. not that taec shouldn't date, but why sica of all people? D: (is a sica hater. lol. see pre-debut pics for reference)
aigooo. why did you leave me hanging like that? XD update soon!
Omg I felt exactly the same way Suka did when I read that article. Lol, I'm a Yoona hater but I'm no big fan of SNSD anyway >
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