The Error of My Ways

Feb 07, 2010 15:20

“to err is human, to forgive divine”; words I just sent to my dear friend who invited me to their house to watch the Super Bowl. I believed the weather report, and declined the invitation; she so kindly brought me some of the goodies she made for us to snack on and restored my wine, (that I whined was “all gone” from yesterday!), and now, an hour or two before the game starts, the sun is shining and I am wrong again. There is a “however” to this story, or perhaps I use it as an excuse. For all of the years I was on the ranch, we had some storms that were beyond comprehension, and there were a few times I wasn’t sure if we were going to make it through some of the escapades, of course, I am now living proof that we did, the “however” is that I no longer could do what I did then to get out of a situation, nor do I want to even try. I can think of a lot more pleasant ways to let life come to an end than in a snowstorm. I know I am much too cautious now, and I suppose I could just say….what the heck…if the worst happens, I won’t know about it anyway….but I am not quite ready to give up, just about, but not quite.

Recently I was visiting with a beautiful young woman who has moved to our little town and has two great looking horses, she is doing what I liked to do at her age and I know I am envious (just a little, I had my day in that sun!),  we were talking about all the good things that go with having good horses, and I told her how much I missed it, and then added “It’s been a hell of a good ride”. That is probably what would be on my tombstone, if I were to have one at the cabin where my ashes will be, a hell of a good ride and I am so glad I experienced every facet of my life up to now, and I am still looking forward to a few more productive times.

“Young people travel in groups; adults travel in pairs; old people travel alone.”
