Apr 13, 2006 22:59
I feel so productive!
So first off-- I got a shitload of homework done. Like massive. I read all of Macbeth too. Which was really good because I had never read it before.
I was completely off with this play. I really knew absolutely NOTHING about it except that it had witches and it's bad luck to say the name in a theatre.
For one-- Macbeth is not a woman. I didn't know that. (I always got confused because people would mention Lady Macbeth and I thought they were the same person)
Also-- there's nobody named Cordelia in it. For some reason I thought there was. I don't know about that one.
And lastly-- I thought the witches would have a lot more to do with it because to be honest I had no idea about any of that stuff with the prophecy and whatnot. Yeah..good to know.
Anyway, I also got my new computer! It's soooo pretty. I'm going to have a really hard time finding desktops though because it's so massive.
Then, I went to a college fair at Pinkerton. It was completely useless actually but it's good that I went anyway. Plus, I needed someone to go with me so I took my friend Joe! I haven't seen him in so long! (Some of you know him from the historically amazing sleepover at my house at Halloween featuring Suspiria)
So after the totally lame fair, we stopped at our friend Lindsay's house but she wasn't home :( so we went to Joe's house and I saw his mom who i love! Then we came back here and we helped eachother work on some stuff for our portfolios which was reeeeaaallly nice seeing as I am in a huge rut and haven't taken a class in over a year and pretty much suck.
Overall, amazing day!