I don't think you'd understand why...

May 11, 2002 22:23

"Why do you talk to so and so?"
"So and so is an idiot"
So it goes...so and so being random people that I happen to consider friends or people close to me.

Maybe I don't have to have an intellectual conversation with all my friends? Maybe I just want to talk to a person about clothes or styles. Men and what I dream of someday. Love, hate, lust, how much weight I've gained. Who they are dating now. Trivial things to you.

Maybe just for a little while, just for a little bit I want to forget who I am. Where I am. Maybe I want to forget that I have so many things I have to do, so much responsibility.

Maybe I want to hear about who did what with whom. Perhaps it'll make me forget the pain of my last two years.

I don't think you'd understand that. I don't think you'd get that.

I don't think I get you.
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