strangeness abounds

Jul 14, 2009 17:11

 At work yesterday and this little girl comes up to me...maybe ten years old, and she says "Excuse me Miss, can you show me where to find books on pregnancy."
First thing out of my mouth is "Is it for a school project?"
"No it's for me."
She's TEN.
You know at certain points in your life you wish fervently that your face is a better liar than you are and you crack that smile that's 2/3rds disbelief and 1/3 pure pain.
Then the world rights itself again as she adds
"well, my auntie is having a baby but she doesn't speak much english so have you got any with pictures?"
But as she walked away i thought  isn't it sad that that wasn't automatically assumed that it was for someoen else. When ten year olsd are having children its surely time for a reality check

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