Title- Whatever it takes 29 Author- Faythbrady Ship/Show- Heroes, Sylar/Claire, Peter/Emma Rating- NC17 Disclaimer- If I owned it, it would still be on. Summary- A bit of angst for xmas.
Beautiful! Just when Sylar fears that all is lost, Claire reminds him all over again why he loves her and why she will (someday) be able to say she loves him: all she wants from him is the absolute, often brutal honesty he's always shown her (except when he was wearing someone else's face, perhaps) and which everyone else is too busy 'protecting' her to trust her with.
So glad to see a new chapter of this (and to have an excuse to re-read chapter 28 from back in October!)!
Comments 3
So glad to see a new chapter of this (and to have an excuse to re-read chapter 28 from back in October!)!
Would you please let me know when you update this? I really want to read the rest of this story. :-)
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