Apparently i read waaay too much fanfic but there you go. These are a few more of my faves, for Rella who asked for things to read on loong flights. Anyone got any requests? I read loads of ships and have stuff saved from all over and can recc good writers.
My fave writers would include-
Buffy: Purplefeen if you like NC17 stuff, Emnorth if you like fluff, VelvetWhip if you like well written smut with angst (shes my girl and she's awesome!). Inell for fluff.
Firefly- Aliaspiral, Gem588
Doctor Who- WMR, Amberfocus, warinbabylon, malaleen, Gillian Taylor, Carlisle Co operative
Big Bang Theory- Spaceangel- the one and only!!
And sooo many more
Life through the eyes of a child- Hermione/ Draco
A great fic which I didn’t realize was quite as long as it is. A kid shows up at Malfoy Manor and throws Lucius’s world into a spin. Harem- Scifichick774- Hermione and a Harem.
I wasn’t sure when I read the synopsis to this but it came highly recced and I gave it a shot and I;m glad I did. Hermione does a spell and gets seven dead husbands and not who you’d imagine. Brilliant level of characterization and is still ongoing. Repercussions by
scifichick774- Hermione and Draco
Aww I really like this, gets sort of complicated in places and a little occ but the idea was brilliant nad the machinations of the Malfoys is brilliant. What e’er therein is promised by Deeble- Hermione/Snape
I love this fic. Snape gets wise to Dumbledore and asks for what he wants- Hermione as a slave. Its funny and sad and silly and just freaking brilliant.
OOPS WRONG ONE! actually this fic is even more brilliant, its Hermione being a typical Gryff and signing a contract saying she'll do ANYTHING Snape asks in order to be his apprentice. Snape is not a nice man and Herms has growed up. This is awesome! Guard… Check… mate by Bambu- Hermione/Snape
Excellent. Hermione discovers she’s surplus to requirements and so does Snape so they decide to help each other survive. Fantastic fic. Unlikely Hero by Joise- Sylar/Claire
Takes place while Sylar thinks he’s Nathan. Danko kidnaps Claire. Very graphic in place about what happens to her and kinda gross but excellently written- especially for which is (as we all know) where starters, noobs and dregs end up- says she who still posts there J Ursa Major, Ursa Minor- Quicksilvermad- Jane/River
Cute fic, well rounded and long. Good use of Chinese and the vese.