Title- Whatever it takes 20 Author- Faythbrady Ship/Series- Heroes. Sylar/Claire Rating- YA Disclaimer- I do not own heroes, only villains :D Summary- Sylar has some things to take care of, can he do it without losing his temper?
I probably should have commented before now, because I LOVE this story soooo much! But, your references to Angelus and Buffy made me deliriously happy (even though I'm a Spuffy shipper), so i had to comment this time! LOL......and now Sam in my mind is Andrew!! Awesome fic! Always looking forward to more! Thank you for continuing to write it :)
This was a cute chapter! The Angelus thing was pretty awesome. I love Sam. If I ever have a kid, it'll grow up to be like Sam (minus super powers prolly, but you never know), I'm sure of it.
Eternity will be fun indeed! And I hope there is, if not an eternity, then at least a good long time still ahead of us in this story, because I just fall more in love with your version of Sylar and Claire and all the other people in their lives with each succeeding chapter.
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