So for those few on my f-list who are KAT-TUN fans if you don't know by now I apologize for the late update but this June Jin Akanishi will be coming to perform in the US; namely just LA for two days and three shows. (Go figure. XD) If you haven't checked out tickets or gotten your own if you want to attend I suggest doing so like... soon. <<;
The official website. Tickets started fluctuating like crazy the past four days since they've been on sale so I don't know if companies or hoarding or if the JE fans are finally going at it. Either way it's worth checking out if you live in the area and can pick up a ticket at the box office if you're a fan~!
I'll be going to the show on Saturday, June 19th at 5pm. I had to get a general admission ticket since I'm too cheap to pay more than $50 for a concert unless it's more than one act. XD So far as I know I'll be going alone so... any company if you're going is appreciated? ^^;