I was really bouncy after the live and kept jumping and skipping stairs on the way up. I had a lot of energy and hadn't come to grips with the fact I was about to meet MUCC. XD When we got up there there weren't really any people lined up or anything. I could basically tell who was there for the signing and who wasn't but either way there weren't a lot of people. Just as I was about to catch my breath and freak out on Tanya, Dominique and Jesse appeared wide-eyed and hyper, and gasping for breath.
We exchanged a lot of "OMG ___ was so awesome, and did you see ___?!" 's and basically caught up on everything that happened during the show. I showed off my setlist arm which they didn't believe I would pull off, but I did so HA! We discussed what we wanted to get signed when we saw people walking around with the posters and whatnot. Dominique was kind enough to grab me one even though Jess was reaching for it when he came back with two. "No! This is for Kate because she's like their super fan!" he declared as he handed it to me. (I love you Dominique, thanks. XD)
He kept faking me out though! He was facing the elevators where we figured they'd come out from so whenever someone came up her eyes would widen a little. I told him to stop but he said he couldn't help it, it was funny actually. Tanya on the other hand was spacing on me because she was paying attention to the TVs where the Bullet for My Valentine performance was happening. I felt really bad because she was there for the American bands... ; ; I kept telling her she could go back if she really wanted to but she assured me they were just playing new stuff at the moment. (I know she wanted to though...)
We got into a discussion of what we might say and out of nowhere everyone was like "Kate, how do you say this?!" I told them my Japanese would turn to mush as soon as I saw the band but I worked out one phrase I would not forget! It just made me laugh when Dominique, my friend from my Japanese class, kept asking me how to say things. I finally just said don't worry about it, they'll understand you to a point and they have a translator.
I got the poster ready in my hand, pulled out the booklet for the Best of album and placed my harmonica in my front pocket just in case~ I also had my camera in my other front pocket too because that one phrase I was determined to remember concerned it. (No, it wasn't anything weird it was really just asking them to take a picture with me. :P)
Just as I was cooling down from the excitement the elevator doors open and I see the band trickle out along with their crew. There were many fangirl screams and I took a deep breath and tried not to stagger as Tanya came to my aid with a calm "Breathe Kate!"
After that minor spasm of fangirling I tried to chill out as much as I could and turned my attention to the others. They helped me keep my mind off the fact I was about to go brain dead the minute it was my turn, or so I thought...
Out of nowhere someone brings up the factor of 'who should go first.' Obviously it just clicked in all of their heads and the next thing I know I've got three pairs of hands trying to thrust me in front.
Dominique: "Kate should go first, they're like her favorite band."
Jess: "Yeah, go ahead that's totally cool."
Tanya: "Yeah Kate, this is what you kept telling me about and it's YOUR night."
Me: "No, no! Really it's fine! *everyone backs up* Wait... guys..? *hands thrusting* Stop it!"
Tanya: "Come on, you know you want to meet them."
Dominique: "Yeah so you go first!"
Me: "No! No, no, no, no!"
Them: "YES!"
Me: "NO! Iie, iya!!! NOOO!!!"
I eventually got out of their grips and we ended up in just about the same order we started since we were getting closer to the line. I somehow managed to push Dominique in front of me so he just went along with it and I got a chance to catch my breath again after making a total doofus of myself... <<; (Thanks guys... = =)
Before I knew it Dominique was up and talking to Miya (he was first in the line-up: Miya, Satochi, Yukke, Tatsurou) and I was just looking down the table at them all. I totally went brain dead! It was horrible, I forgot EVERYTHING... ; ; But Dominique moved on and I took my cue fast and passed the poster and booklet to Miya. He was so great about it, saying hello and having this really kind look in his eyes with an added smile as he signed away. (Speaking of signing, he had fun with those little circles, I at least had enough mentality to notice that.) When he finished he held out his hand for me to shake as I did, but that's when my brain came back online. After the shake I kept his attention and said, in English since I was still mush, "Can I have a hug?" "Hug? Oh yeah, sure!" *fangirl* I got a Miya hug! XD There was no hesitation at all, I loved it. I thought it'd be kind of weird to ask at first but after he agreed so readily and without hesitation like that I was thrilled. I'd love to go through all the 'he held me like this' and 'he felt/smelled like that' but honestly, I was so full of joy that I don't remember even having a sensation when he shook my hand or hugged me. That goes for them all actually just so I get it out of the way~
Anyway, my Miya moment had to come to an end as the line moved along. I somehow had enough sense to realize when Dominique had moved on and when I should get going to not hold up the line. Next was Satochi, man he was all smiles it was great. He had a HUGE grin and I must admit it was contagious. I realized I hadn't really said much to Miya and somehow things just sort of clicked when I was with Satochi. "You guys were so great, really. And your new album is amazing." Of course I was dense enough to say so while he was signing so obviously his attention was elsewhere and I doubted he really understood me. But he was so nice and even casually responded saying "Oh? Wow..." with really exaggerate facial expressions. Then he held out his hand with a big smile but I gave him a hard time! <<; I was about to go shake when I remembered my setlist arm and was like 'Hell no, I didn't do it for nothing!' So while he held out his right arm for me to shake with my right, I used my left instead and a little back and forth ensued where we giggled a lot at my fumble. He finally caught me and shook with his left to compliment mine and before I moved on I pointed to it and said "Look! It's your setlist, I wrote it down!" Now this is one of those random crack moments that I'll remember forever because the look on his face totally went crazy! He took a look at it at first probably to be polite while I explained it (I repeated the word 'setlist' like a million times. XD) and then his face just lit up. It was so cute, I swear his grin got bigger somehow. He said something in Japanese I couldn't make out, or at least I think it was Japanese... Whatever it was I'm pretty sure inwardly he was thinking "Wow, there's fans crazy enough to do that..?" Obviously though he was impressed and I was happy~ BUT I had to do one more thing before I went on, "Can I have a hug?" I leaned in a bit closer too I think since I had been showing off my 'arm', heh. He gave me a really vigorous nod and *fangirl* I got a Satochi hug, yay~!
Now it's at this point I must mention that I kept
doing this during my time in the line except it was the kind where it's out of nervousness/embarrassment. And when I got to Yukke I was totally doing it too, when I approached him he was signing and then he looked up and his eyes widened as I had that look on my face where I probably was ready to tear up. He gave me this really great reassuring smile that said 'Don't cry, be happy!' there was no way I could deny it... I think I basically told him I loved the show and that they should come back which made him smile some more and he held out his hand to shake before I knew it. (The handshake is like a goodbye in my eyes because you have to normally move on in the line after it and I didn't like that...) So I shook his hand, completely forgot about my earlier crack with Satochi concerning the setlist, and asked for a hug. Well, I have to admit it was more pleadingly this time since my nerves were finally cracking. "Can I please have a hug..?" I asked kind of sheepishly and he gave me that reassuring smile again and complied. It's at this point I also have to say that the color of his shirt was another thing that kept me smiling because it was just too perfect on him. XD
Finally I was about to go to Tatsurou... *insert hand over mouth hyper-ventilating* I took a deep breath and tried to fight my encroaching shakiness as I caught Yukke in the corner of my eye kind of worried as I slowly sidestepped to be in front of Tatsurou. I went blank, quite literally this time. He was there, in front of me. One of my Jrock idols whose voice had touched me many a time in the past few months. The man who had just been on stage running around like a total maniac but at the same time singing so beautifully. I was a mess before him! ; ; He was so kind though, he knew I wanted to say something... Afterall he'd finished signing my stuff no problem it's just that I wouldn't move after he probably put out his hand. XD My eyes met his and as they locked it all came rushing back to me. "I really loved your performance it was great. Your singing is so incredible, you've really inspired me a lot!" I almost pleaded, I could tell from my tone but I kept going anyway because I desperately wanted to tell him something, anything so long as it was from the bottom of my heart.
This part is really corny and makes me want to cry but... He looked me straight in the eyes the whole time and hung onto my every word and managed to say a "Oh... wow." in response. Whether he fully realized what I said or not the fact that he was kind enough to respond was enough and he could probably tell from the tone of my voice and the desperate look in my eyes that I really meant it. "Please come back, please!" I pleaded again. Tatsurou, he looked me square in the eyes again and with a serious face he responded "Okay." with a firm nod. (Lord, as if I wasn't mush before that really killed me...) I shook his hand and wavered a bit longer, he was so polite and still paid attention to me as I choked out "Can I please have a hug..?" His smile was so sweet and radiant, if I had been in tears I would've tried my hardest to smile back just as sweetly. The hug was nothing special or else I'm sure the feeling would remain in my mind forever but he obliged me so thoroughly the rest of the time I could've cared less! <<;
I grabbed my things, stepped to the side and out of everyone's way and was just speechless, motionless and stunned. Shell shocked was probably a better word for it, I just didn't know what to do next. Dominique appeared before me and caught my attention as I snapped back into reality for a few moments and rolled up the poster before I messed it up. "You okay?" (Heh, was I okay..? I was going out of my mind! @ @) "Uh... no!" I replied, my sarcasm and personality finally kicking back in. XD He half hugged me and began to explain how much he now loved MUCC. Jess appeared too and kept saying that she had been converted into a MUCC fan too, that made me laugh, smile and feel accomplished all at once. ^^ Tanya finally appeared and I really was thrown back into reality as I realized I hadn't helped her get a hug from Satochi like I said I would, I felt horrible again!!! ><
Me: "OMG! I'm so sorry, did you get a hug at all from anyone..?"
Tanya: "Yeah, I got one from the first and last guy."
Me: "Ah, Miya and Tatsurou... Aw! But you were supposed to get one from Satochi."
Tanya: "It's okay, the line kept pushing me along so I didn't have time."
Me: "Aw... I'm sorry, I was supposed to help you..."
Tanya: "Nah, it's fine really. I got two hugs, that's enough."
Dominique: "What about YOU?"
Me: "I got hugs from all of them!... x-X; *blank-out* Yeah! All of them~ ^^;"
As I told them; I went into that line and told myself if there was one thing I just KNEW I'd regret not doing it was getting a hug out of each of them, so while I sacrificed looking smart and talking to them in broken/nervous Japanese I got hugs! <<
Dominique: "So what do you want to do?"
Me: "I want to cry." *totally serious*
Dominique: "What..?"
Tanya: "Then cry!"
Me: "I CAN'T!"
I was being totally dead serious too, I was so dehydrated that there probably wasn't enough water in my system to even tear up or else I bet I would've already. The concert really had drained me. I was just so happy I hadn't lost my voice or anything, that would've been horrible! >< Me being the accident prone mess I am, I was surprised nothing had injured me yet. x-X;
Me: "Yeah, I can't... I really WANT to, I mean I'm so happy but I just can't."
Dominique: "Ah... yeah they're really awesome, I'm so glad I came."
Jess: "Yeah, this is fun and they're really nice."
Me: "I know! They're great, but I still need to get a group picture."
Everyone: "=O" *gasp*
Anyway, they all started freaking when pictures was brought up since they all wanted one. I reassured them it was no big deal, all we had to do was get in line again and wait our turn to ask after everyone was done signing. (Thank you everyone who posted ToC reports, I would've been lost without you guys! ^^) I took that time to turn around and look at the band, moving back and forth as I tried to gaze through the people blocking my view (darn fans :P). More deep breaths, I packed my stuff back up (I had taken out my t-shirt in the hopes of getting it signed but the thought left my mind and I'm glad I forgot it or else I would've never worn it. I had to put away the booklet to the album too.) and headed toward the line again. We went into more discussion about the concert, Tanya was regretting the Bullet for My Valentine incident since they played one of her favorite songs while we were in line but she assured us this was worth it. (I still felt really bad, I swear I'll make it up to you T-kun! When your bands come, I'll go rock out with you despite the language barrier! ><)
There was a group of three gothic/lolita/otaku/Hot Topic clad/obvious jrock fans there just for the band in front of us who were all huddled together and asked us if we wanted to go in front of them. I was thoroughly puzzled. x-X;
"Are you sure..?" I asked, "Don't you want a picture?" "Yeah we do, we just don't want to go first... ; ;" they replied, that made me lol internally. Now as utterly brain dead and retarded as I was by now I still had enough in me to be able to walk up and ask for a picture. So I kept seeing if they REALLY wanted to forfeit the first one and they did so I just walked up. The lady in charge, either a translator, part of their staff or most likely both was basically directing fan traffic. XD She asked what I wanted and I said a picture and she called out if there was anyone else who wanted something. Miya's attention was on the last few people getting signed and as they moved further away he looked to me as I was trying to get around the lady and ask them myself. (I wanted to be personal and this is where I felt really awesome about myself... <<)
I wormed my way past the lady, though she technically sort of let me through after I uttered my first "Sumimasen." I ran up to Miya and he leaned in closer as I yelled another "Sumimasen" to get his attention. He raised his eyebrows and patiently waited for me to catch my breath and get my brain in order. "Sumimasen! Isshou ni shashin o totte mou ii desu ka?" And before I had even finished he was like "Uhn, yeah yeah, sure!" as he got everyone’s attention at the table and the lady walked back to get everything in order calling out "Picture!" It was really funny, his face sort of lit up when I asked in Japanese. As soon as I had gotten to 'shashin', or maybe even 'isshou ni' he knew what I wanted. XD
I was on a cloud by now, but I had to keep myself grounded a bit longer because we hadn't taken the picture yet... << I had given Jess my camera in advance and Dominique said he'd use his camera too in case so I was relieved. ^^ Anyway as they were all getting in order behind me everyone literally crowded around the table and I don't know why... x-X; At first it was just the same few photographers and then my friends but then like the rest of the stragglers from the line and the semi-loli girls came too. I was just plain confused, then I looked behind me to see the foursome all in position and my eyes just shifted from the crowd, to them, to the table gap, to the staff (rinse and repeat!). This is when Miya totally became my hero and savior. I turned to face them with a lost puppy look and he got my attention with an "Oi!" and slammed his hand down on the table and said "Sit!" There are no words to describe how utterly happy I was when he did that to save my sorry ass from further embarrassment. XD And those smiles were so infectious too! (Though I could see the mischievous intent behind them... = =)
Hopping on the table, I scooted a little so I didn't look totally retarded and quickly remembered to do some sort of pose because I knew they all would so I didn't want to look lame! I felt pressure on my back and froze for a bit because my fangirl-ness kicked in, though I didn't know exactly what they were doing because I was in front, darn. But when Tatsurou sat next to me on the table I was so happy~ It was like he was saying "Hey, don't be nervous! =D" Anyway... when I got into my pose I realized my hands were sort of shaking but what really freaked me out was that my lip was quivering. I had never quivered, EVER! So I knew this was probably the first time I'd been nervous like that... I was pretty tired too so that helped a lot. I saw like a million flashes go off though, I even said "Who's taking it first?!" just so I could figure it out. (Dominique you should've yelled out when you were taking it so I would've looked! XP) After we were done they all sort of scattered behind me, I think I know why now (Darn you sneaky Yukke! <<). But before I got down I turned back to them and said with all my heart, "Arigatou gozaimasu! Arigatou! Hountou ni!!!" And finally got out of everyone's way since other people wanted pictures. It felt so good to finally get all of that out of my system~ ^^
I retreated to the side and was then barraged with everyone's things as they all jumped up to go take a picture. I kid you not either, I had like three posters, my camera, Tanya's ticket and some other things all in my arms in a matter of seconds and just was like "Huh..? x-X;" I swear they laughed at me too... >> Anyway it got to Tanya's turn to take a picture and she basically slid onto the table, I laughed so hard in the midst of the crap I was carrying. However, after a few seconds I realized something was off... no one was taking her picture! "Ah! Hold on, hold on, hold on!" I kept repeating as I fumbled with my camera to take her picture. It didn't come out half as bad as I thought it did~ And after further inspection I'm glad it took me a while to get the picture because it seemed that Yukke was a sneaky devil again. XD
We all stepped to the side and breathed easy and happily chatted about our experiences that had just happened like... ten minutes ago now..? <<; It was a lot of fun and we kept turning back to watch as everyone had their pictures taken. I was happy knowing I was first, as childish as it was~ But it was then as the pictures were starting to finish up that I realized I'd made a bit of a fumble. "Oh crap, my harmonica!" Everyone went wide-eyed but before I stuck around for them to say anything I pulled it out of my pocket, handed some things to Tanya and sort of worked my way back to the table where they had just stopped taking a picture and I saw Tatsurou in the clear.
"Sumimasen!" I called to him as I got closer. He stopped so politely and looked at me waiting for my question. I held out the case and he took it as I asked him to sign it. I really don't think he ever figured out what it was... though I could be wrong~ They had just finished signing some things actually and Tatsurou still had the Sharpie in his hand but just as I got there he gave it back to Yukke. *light bulb!* I fumbled and grabbed my Sharpie and handed it to him to use to sign; man I was glad I brought it. At first he just signed his name and then his attention shifted for a second, I thought he was about to give it back to me and was kind of sad but then he wrote something else on it and gave it back to me. (He had signed his name and then taken a second and wrote MUCC on it too, it was cute. ^^) I said thank you and was going to explain myself when I realized they were getting ready for another picture so I ducked out of the way and just left. (Smart me... = =;)
As I bragged about my newly signed harmonica case we continued to talk about the concert and how exhausted we were. However we all turned around when there was some last calls for "Anyone else?!" and then "Otsukaresama!" I wanted to cry again, they were leaving ALREADY... ; ; But I didn't do anything to get in their way, I just bowed A LOT as they all got up, cheered and slowly headed back toward the elevator. For the most part all of the people who had been there for the signing were gone aside from us, one other group and the semi-loli girls. I just watched as they filed out and by instinct just as Tatsurou was about to go into the elevator I shouted his name-! He didn't hear me... *cry* ; ; It went something like this:
-His back was turned and he soon disappeared into the elevator-
Me: "-I love you... *tear* ; ;"
I was a sad sight, I know. XD With that my Taste of Chaos experience ended, but I won't say that it was completely over... The concert was for us all though, we were tired and thirsty/hungry and just wanted to go and pass out somewhere from joy and exhaustion~
It was hard to believe that the signing session was just about 20 minutes long though, I was amazed. Something deep down had told me that the turn out wouldn't have been that big but I at least expected it to be a bit bigger than what came. I mean I remember the Dir en grey deal when they came with Deftones and it was just Kyo sitting there signing people's tickets but the line then at least snaked! This line was more clumped since people came in little groups but even then it was puny compared to the Diru one. I was a mix of emotions about the whole situation; on one side I was happy I didn't have to worry about not getting enough time with the band, on the other I was sad that the turnout was small because they might have been using it as a way to figure out which places they'd come back to. I highly doubt Vegas is at the top of their lists... ; ; (Should've made them pinkie swear! <<)
The time had come for us all to leave The Pearl and after the signing it was well worth it. We stuck around for an extra ten or twenty minutes, mainly because 1) we kept debating on if we really wanted to leave and 2) I kept bugging Tanya if she REALLY wanted to leave because she had come along for the American bands. In the end we did leave, obviously, and headed to the food court again.
Surprisingly after we had exited back into the casino I felt no real regrets aside from my few follies. Sure there was a lot MORE I couldn't done or made happen but all in all it turned out pretty good and felt like I even got more than what I originally planned for. As I did with those mind blowing performances...
When we got to the food court this 'band' was promoting themselves around us and just so happened to meet our eye contact so we couldn't refuse. They asked us who was up next or finishing up in the show and we told them it was Bullet for My Valentine. When we said that they all looked at each other and then back at us like we were crazy and said at the same time "Then why did you leave?!" Before any of the others could answer I leaned back in my chair and proudly pronounced, "We came for the Japanese bands. I don't know if you've heard of them but they're really amazing. The one headliner has been around the world a few times and this is their first time coming to Vegas." They sort of went quiet on me for a second while I totally ate it up. I was holding that in for the whole show, really. I wanted to totally shove Jrock down someone's throat and that was as good a chance as I'd get, pretty satisfactory reaction too. Needless to say they sort of left after that. XD (Just to be nice though *PLUG* They were good sports about me shoving Jrock down their throats and actually responded so they win points.)
I begged Tanya to go pick me up a large drink at McDonalds because I was completely parched... and Dominique and Jess had already helped themselves to some Chinese. XD I was just really, really thirsty. As I had said during the signing, I was so dehydrated I couldn't even cry. <<; She did me the favor and we both proceeded to downing it in record time, I might add~ After that Tanya told me she wanted to go to the arcade and I agreed to go along because now that I had some energy back thanks to the caffine I wanted to get up and move around.
The arcade in The Palms casino is really small, it's a little room where the games are all pressed against the walls so there's just that walkway in the middle, nothing too impressive. I knew we were in there for one reason; Tanya wanted to indulge herself in some DDR. Now I thought she was crazy for wanting to play DDR after that concert but either way she did it anyway. It was pretty entertaining and I was sort of pacing around in Tatsu fashion because I had so much energy and didn't know what to do with myself. I semi-cheered her on during the game and in the end she ended up dying on her last song. XD After that she realized what a mistake it was to have played. (No duh! :P) We returned to Dominique and Jess where I proposed we go walking and do some "Jrocker stalking" but they were both tired and had to get going soon so we parted ways there. Tanya and I walked around for about an hour after that in which we talked about many different topics...
Our first circle around was uneventful and we ended up sitting on a ledge outside of one of the restaurants in the back. I was still feeling really euphoric and on my own personal high so I was singing MUCC songs to pass the time while Tanya talked to me and I'd respond to her in between my singing. Basically we were really just bored. A bunch of people passed by me while I was singing, but sadly no one special. I could've cared less anyway though since I was having fun either way and just wanted to hang out a little more before I went home and passed out from the crazy day. I couldn't take sitting anymore so we got up and started moving around again.
As we were walking past the entrance to The Pearl we passed someone dressed in a white T-shirt that was oddly familiar wearing a white cap that was turned backwards. I froze; it was Satochi... But it wasn't the wide-grinning aloof Satochi I loved, he was definitely on a mission and I knew what it was since it was pretty obvious; to hit the tables and attack Sin City. After that strange encounter we continued onward. After circling around another time we were headed in the direction of the gambling tables where I had originally spotted Miya before the concert. I asked Tanya if she wanted to keep going forward and pass by the bar near there or take the other route which was to cross over back toward The Pearl's entrance. She shrugged it off and we headed toward The Pearl again. However this time as we were waling I stopped dead in my tracks. Approaching us was none other than Tatsurou. But I swallowed my fangirl pride and sheepishly walked past him as Tanya knocked me over the head with her poster lightly. My voice sort of cracked when I told her "That was Tatsurou just now..." I glanced back kind of sadly and she just sort of urged me along.
But no! That wasn't the end of it, it couldn't have been... Just was we were closing in on The Pearl's entrance to my left I spotted Miya with a translator at the ATM machine. I sort of lol'd inwardly and cried at the same time. It was nice seeing them casually like that but one after another was just killing me on the inside. I felt stalkerish too because I swore I really wasn't doing it on purpose at all it just kept happening!
We circled around again and were heading the exact same way except this time as we headed toward The Pearl entrance Satochi passed by with what I believed to have been a translator. As we crossed paths I hear him utter in passing that he hadn't seen Tatsurou. I wish I would've said I had seen him only minutes ago in the same spot so much... I was just beat and so was Tanya, there was no way I could be daring on such little energy when even at the height of it all I could barely talk right. x-X; It was at this point I started getting bored again, even though Tanya was GREAT company I just was really bored and my attention span was wanning especially with all the surprise run-ins and all. I pulled out my harmonica and started playing for the heck of it. (Too bad it wasn't before when I ran into Tatsu... ; ;) I figured that was the end of our luck for the most part since it didn't seem like any of the other bands were popping up.
We ended up resting in front of that restaurant again for a long while before moving back to the food court and waiting for my mom to call and tell us she was there. As we were walking back and I was playing my harmonica however it just so happened that we passed by Miya once more with a female translator. I sort of stopped mid-stride and halted my playing as I glanced back and was just thinking "What is it with me and running into these guys tonight?!" but I didn't say anything. I did go back to playing the harmonica because I was having fun with it. Tanya and I finally passed by the bar and by now were joking about all of our run-ins and other music topics.
Back at the food court we chilled, looked back at the night and were completely pleased with the final outcome. It had been a long and tiring day but it was an amazing one that I wouldn't soon be forgetting. As if on cue my phone rang, my tone being a clip of Yasashii Uta I had made a little before the concert in light of it. It was time to leave The Pearl, The Palms and Taste of Chaos~
And just because I can... setlist arm shots!!! XD Ignore where I wrote Fall, it's actually Deep I got those songs confused a lot then and double checked after I wrote it so was like; fail... ; ; And as you can see my first Sharpie totally failed me since you can barely see the D'espa list. >< Thank goodness I brought a spare~
But there's more after live entertainment for you all!!!
Yukke went up to play with Atreyu as he had been doing throughout the tour and he was a lot more daring in Vegas for some reason. Now I know why I didn't see him around after the show. Darn I wish I stayed to see it. = =
Band Blog Entries
Wednesday, April 9th, 2008
Good Morning! It’s nice wether today! We have enjoyed our show in Las Vegas & El Paso! Thank you for coming.LIFE is Gamble! hahaha Our show today is Phoenix. Let’s enjoy tonight! Our signing is from 7:15pm at AP booth. See you guys in the venue! The tour is almost ending! Let enjoy with us!
[On the RTOC Official Site]
Las Vegas!! / YUKKE
Finally we’re in Las Vegas!!!!!
This city is my dream place since I was a child, and I’m so excited!
Of course I had fun with the show.
How did you like our stage?
This tour is almost finished... I’ll keep rocking until the end!
Las Vegas / SATOchi
I went to the Casino before the show and I won!!
I’m so glad!!
The show was nice, I’m wondering if I can win when I go to the Casino again...
Alright, now I decided to go there when I get 10 bucks!!
Las Vegas was very mysterious city!!
I lost some money at the Casino, but the show was awesome!!
Thanks, Vegas!!
Vegas. Winner? Loser? / Tatsuro
Yes, I lost 15 bucks, lol.
The show was so much fun.
So I could say I’m a winner.
Well, Las Vegas is brilliant city.
MUCC was brilliant at the stage as much as the city is.
We can be more brilliant.
You guys can be too, right?
[On MUCC's Official Myspace]
Las Vegas!!
Wednesday, April 9th, 2008
I never thought we would get to play in Las Vegas.
The atmosphere of the show today was kinda different from the others’ on this tour.
But I really enjoyed it as well.
We had live video playing on the screens, which is the first time on the tour.
That was great!
The venue was similar to my favorite one in Japan so I felt very comfortable playing there.
I really want to come back to play in Vegas again.
I hope we can have more time to enjoy Vegas since we didn’t have enough this time.
And hope you guys have fun with our concert then.
See ya!!
[On the RTOC Official Site]
I had a fun today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m gonna go sleep ! Bye !
So,today was our day off, and we all decided that it would be fun to go skydiving, so as we arrived to the field, we were informed that the winds that day would not be safe for skydiving, so ultimately, no skydiving for us. I was so bummed, because we were all looking forward to the adventure, but who knows, maybe in the future. When the day comes, i look forward to the thrill of jumping from a plane and also the opportunity to take lots of pictures of our death defying adventure, until then, i will just continue to rock and roll enjoy the rest of our time on this amazing tour.
I’m a loser.........(T_T)
[On The Underneath's Official Myspace]
There was also an interview where Hizumi mentioned he loved Vegas the best, I'll find it later and link it here~
And finally for everyone who went to a show PLEASE go give some input to the
JRR team at their website! They started a whole
new section just for RTOC input and I think that's awesome of them! ^^ I hope to get the e-mail to the staff members soon too because I requested it to send a thank you. When I get that I'll add it too~
Part 1 -
Before the Live, Tragedy of Me and D'espairsRay Part 2 -
Idiot Pilot, MUCC and The Underneath