Baby firelizards on the loose: Beware!

Jun 18, 2008 13:52

Living Cavern -- Ista Weyr(#1100RJMs$)

The cavern is filled with people, rider and nonrider alike for the evening meal. The reddish glow of the setting sun filters in through the large bowl entrance to the northwestern wall. Through the constant movement of drudges to and from the northern side of the wall, you can see the four large hearths there, each put to the task of cooking the large Weyr meals. An occasional drudge filters in and out of the entrance to the Lower Caverns entrance on the western side of the room. New riders and others are still filtering in through this entrance as well, leading out to the rest of the lower caverns.

Multiple archways to the northeast lead to the kitchens, allowing for chaotic traffic without collision. A wide passage leads out to the bowl and a smaller corridor leads down into the lower caverns. To the west is a short tunnel to the infirmary.
Big Basket o' Eggs

Nerine eyes flick between the two eggs which have shown movement. She is intent on them watching curiously.

Thousand Island Dressing Egg lists heavily, like a drunken dockworker, and then heaves into the side of the basket. CRACK! Forget those previous fissures, because this time the shell explodes into three distinct portions, releasing a surprised hatchling who squawks in outrage.

A relaxed bearing and friendly aire grace the lanky frame of this amicable fellow. From dished muzzle and arched neck, through deep chest - all the way to lengthy tail - he is a hue of light bronze so clear and pure that it might seem almost transluscent. Occasional flashes of golden-brown and deep green play over lofty wingsails and upon a narrow brow graced by back-canted headknobs, while long and narrow paws sport talons that darken down to a more traditional shade of bronze.

After all the show was getting continualy more entertaining.

Viviana throws her hands up in air as X'lar impresses the green. "I give up.." She scoots back, crossing her legs at the ankles and leaning back on her hands from her position on the floor. Looking sideways up at X'lar, she shakes her head. "Well, good luck with that, X'lar. She's a beauty though." Even the rocking of another egg doesn't really interest her much as she idly wriggles her toes to bring life back into her legs after sitting for so long cross-legged.

Torell leans back a little as the Green has claimed the rider for her own. "Good luck with that one," he smiles and then turns to the sound of the newly cracked egg. The emergence of a bronze draws a nod from the young scribe as he looks around as the small crowd and their new flits.

Nerine breath catches at the little bronze's emergance, she glanced to the remaining 'canidates' intensely currious as to who would go home with the little fellow. She looks to the healer, the other fortians and the others in the room.

All this talk about rocking eggs and hungry baby firelizards has finally drawn Fayre to the scene--or perhaps that green firelizard perched to her shoulder finally convinced her to make her way into the living caverns. The goldrider shoots her firelizard a half-angry, half-exasperated glare as she enters the caverns from the bowl. "Alright, alright. You can stop nibbling on my ear now, Jaida. Go hum, or whatever it is you want to do." The little green needs no further prodding, and hastily flutters over to wherever a few adult firelizards are perched and begins the usual hatching hum. As for Fayre, she sidles through the crowd and snatches up a small bowl of raw meat. "I must be crazy, tryin' for another of these things." She mutters to herself as she looks around, perhaps hoping to spot some familiar faces.

Amicable Andalusite Bronze Hatchling rolls to his wobbly paws, wings untucking quickly to try and balance off his lurching frame. Whoa. Shake-shake-shake he goes, like a canine, sending goop all over the basket and its contents - along with Infelice, Morgan, and anyone nearby. At the scent of all that meat, he too crawls up the side of his former home, welcomed by hums and lots of noise. Blink. Peeeer.

"Now see, -that- is how you make a firelizard," X'lar remarks proudly on the bronze hatching. But soon the green on his lap stretches, needing more food. There's a roll of the eyes there from the Istan rider and soon he's feeding the attention hungry hatchling. "At least she's not a darker green," X'lar remarks. Like an olive tone, maybe? "Then you and I would have some problems." He talks to the little hatchling, smiling briefly at it again. "But I have no idea what to call you yet." He gives a wave to Fayre as he spots the goldrider's arrival.

Iesia peers over at X'lar and his little pet, a bit of a smirk on her face. "Green suites you," she decides. "And maybe she'll take your attention off your stomach now and again. Give the cooks a bit of a break." The crack of an egg has her attention once more, and she admires the bronze with a lift of her eyebrows. "My my," she says, clucking her tongue, "Handsome fellow."

Almost constantly chuckling to herself, Jendel watches as now a bronze firelizard hatches - and takes his time as he just /peers/ at the hopeful Impressors. "Aw, curi's l'il bugg'r, this un," she comments as the little f'lizard blinks at all of them, as if trying to adjust to his new surroundings.

X'lar looks back up at the Healer and smirks briefly, telling her: "And here I thought bronze suited me. And-" He pauses again at the green firelizard's attempt at getting his attention. "I -see- you," X'lar remarks, feeding the dark blue-green hatchling. There's a sigh and X'lar's attention now shifts completely to the green in his lap.

Viviana eyes the bronze with supposed clinical disinterest. Still leaning back on her hands, she watches his movements and sighs as a bit of shell lands on her foot. With a flick of a toe, she sends it flying back his way. "Keep your mess to yourself." The wee bit of meat still in her hand mushes quiet nicely under the weight of her body and she ewwws, sitting up to look at the damage. Carefully, she picks at the bits of meat, placing them back in the bowl. "Eww, now look what happened. All you males are alike."

Fayre's eye is caught by X'lar's wave. At first, she merely furrows her eyebrows at the bronzerider, but then allows herself to be distracted by the little green he's feeding. She forgets any unhappy feelings--little baby creatures do that to females sometimes, after all--and waves cheerfully back. "Hey, congrats, you." A low whistle is directed at the pretty bronze hatching and the young goldrider begins the usual ritual of wiggling bloody meat in its general direction. "Mmm, who wouldn't love raw meat. I know I would!" She whispers, in her best come-hither-hungry-firelizard voice.

"Indeed," Iesia agrees with Vivana, eyeing X'lar as she says so. There's a little glance for that green, and she shakes her head. "Say bronzerider," and suddenly her tone is silky and sweet, "You wouldn't let me have a closer look at her in a few days, would you?" She even smiles without venom. She's still wiggling that meat towards the bronze, of course.

Aidra comes bumbling into living cavern chatting amiably with a fellow wingrider of hers, not paying attention to much of anything until she ends up crashing into some spectator's back. "Oh, shards, I'm sorry," is her rushed apology even as her blue eyes widen up, taking in the scene of the living caverns. "What the... More firelizards? They're everywhere." The bluerider pushes her way past people and somehow winds up near X'lar, waving at Fayre, and with a small bowl of meat in her hand. "Uh. Okay, then!"

Amicable Andalusite Bronze Hatchling is all good and fine, hey! With an ease borne of a mellow personality, he vaults to the ground on steady wings, looking up-up at all that wonderful fodder offered to him. Not one to miss a meal, the little pip samples from everything he passes - NOT looking up at any one person, however. Om-nom!

Nerine picking up the bowl at her feet and using her tunic as a hammock for the sleeping green she slowly rises and moves over to where Torell is still standing adding the remainder of her bowl to his dish. She laughs at the little pigglet who was now sampling from every frustrated attemptee. She gives Torell a pat on the back and a smile.

A'son comes down for dinner but finds an unusual number of people congregated in the living cavern in one spot. He wanders over to see what all this hoo-hah is about. X'lar is spotted, X'lar is headed towards. "X'lar. What in Faranth's name is going on in he- Oh, firelizards. More of them? Pern is crawling with these little suckers, isn't it?" He said the word 'firelizard'. A man standing nearby presses a bowl of meat scraps in his hand. 'Here, Weyrleader, all for you' he tells him. A'son stares at the complete stranger, eyes the bowl, eyes X'lar, eyes Aidra who just showed up. "Uh huh... Who wants extra meat?"

Torell offers his bit of fowl to the bronze, more out of habit from attempting to entice the the others than out of direct intention.

Watching X'lar with the small green draws a bit of a smile across his lips and he turns his gaze down to the basket where the mellow hatchling ponders what to eat first. "Now I wonder about this one," he comments to Nerine. "...I've not seen many Bronzes to know what they're like."

X'lar looks from Viviana to Iesia, sighing softly, commenting quietly, "Fine. Think whatever you like about 'us males'." He glances toward A'son, blinking a couple times at the Weyrleader. "Firelizards. Hatching," X'lar answers A'son. "And firelizards have a sense of humour did you know?" The former weyrling teenager just mutters, "After getting my heart broke by a greenrider, I end up with a green firelizard. Funny stuff." He takes a deep breath and gives Aidra a beam, Fayre another wave, and his little green more food.

Fayre switches her waving from X'lar to Aidra and a smile lights up her face. "Hooray! More clutchmates. And aye, firelizards certainly like to get everywhere, don't they? That's why I've donated all my Jaida's eggs to that early warning system thing. Though, with Thread going away again, maybe I'll have to start lettin' them hatch here." The goldrider is up to her usual babbling, it seems, but she's good enough at multitasking to wave, chat, and wiggle the meat from her bowl at the same time. Her eyebrows twitch at the bronze's antics and she remarks, "A 'lizard after my own heart. Knows to taste test all the food he can get his hads on."

Viviana scraps off the rest of the goo from her hand and gratefully takes the napkin offered her by a passing server to make sure it's all gone. With a smile Eila's way, she gestures out to the bowl. "Gotta get back to the weyr, take your friend and off we go."

Viviana walks to the southeast bowl.
Viviana has left.

"No more crying about greenriders, now, Xie," Aidra promptly chides, shaking her head at the Weyrleader and holding up her bowl of mystery as though to show that someone already gave her some. "Whoo, clutchmates!" is called once the bluerider catches wind of Fayre's words, grinning over at the other before glancing towards the bronze. "What a pig. Even Zel didn't do that when he was a baby."

Maple Syrup Egg :shakes a little more, tapping and rapping sounds coming from within. A sudden shake or two, and it stills again - adding to the cracks upon it surface.

"Aye, m'neither," Jendel concurs with Torell, before saying, "or rath'r, jus' haven' b'n payin' enuf attent'n to'em," she says with a shrug. The butcher from Fort grins as the bronze takes a bite from her meat - then grimaces as he waddles on to another person. And another. "Phoo." She pouts, looking towards the little bronze as he walks around, taking samples from everyone.

"Heartbroken, eh?" says Iesia, eyeing X'lar once more. "Best cure for that is a few skins of wine and a corner alone." She offers a one-shouldered shrug, and another little wiggle of her meat. "Or another warm bed, though that could cause more problems." Advice from Iesia. Hm.

Nerine can't help but chuckle at Jendel " likely as not the silly thing doesn't realize you'd feed him silly" hey there were plus sides to being a butcher after all.

Amicable Andalusite Bronze Hatchling finds himself still hungry, and still wandering. This isn't right, is it. A deep sigh, and he finally deigns to look up with hopeful eyes at the now empty fingers of his chosen - the one who's managed to capture his growling stomach in a real fit. A nudge to Jendel's hand. I for has more, please>

Torell isn't getting a lot of the in-jokes made about X'lar, but no matter. Waving the food back and forth, he glances down and watches it move around on the floor of the living cavern. His forehead has dampened with a few beads of sweat and, without thinking, he lifts the hand that waggles the fowl up to brush at his hair with the back of his wrist. A bit of the juices from the cooked meat drip onto his shirt and other hand before he realizes his mistake. Swishing the meat back down at near floor level, he watches its movement curiously.

Amicable Andalusite Bronze Hatchling stumbles towards Jendel.

"Didn't cry," X'lar remarks to Aidra and Iesia both. "Another warm bed?" X'lar asks the Healer. "Are you offer-" X'lar can't finish, as the green hatchling snaps at his fingers, wanting more, making him yelp out: "Hey! Alright... here.. more meat, coming up." He glances back to the bronze's stumbling toward Jendel with a brief smile. And then there's another glance toward his clutchmates, grinning briefly at both Aidra and Fayre.

A'son gives Aidra a disappointed look when she won't take his bowl of meat. He looks at X'lar again who's clearly preoccupied. The bronzerider takes a scrap of meat and waves it around, sort of near the floor. Is he really trying to impress one? Or just airing the meat out? Or just trying to fit in? It seems more likely that he's trying to fit in as he's hardly looking at anything wandering around on the ground. "Is this how you do it?" He hisses at the two former weyrlings.

Maple Syrup Egg wobbles once again, and without any more ado, shivers apart its uncountable hairline cracks like falling snow. Within the dusting of miniscule eggshells, a tightly curled up ball of a hatchling lies, only now beginning to open drowsy eyes.

Large and oft heavy-lidded eyes lend a certain drowsy innocence to this lad. His hide is a clear and light brown throughout, but when bright light hits points along his lean belly, long neck, and thin headknobs, rich glints of honey and drowsy reddish-gold flicker into being there. Oversized wings make his body appear smaller than it is, and oddly 'rolled' tailtips curl under towards his head, while talons of onyx are liberally splotched with gentle copper.

Fayre ears twitch just the slightest bit at all this gossip about a broken heart and a greenrider. "So that's what was bothering you the other day, eh? Well, I'm glad you're not clamin' up about it anymore, Xie." She doesn't bother to keep her voice down; her words have to reach across the crowd to X'lar, after all. She smiles a congratulations towards Torell as the young bronze moves towards him. "Hey, nice job, stranger!" Then she's distracted by the latest young 'lizard, and her smile widens. "Aww, he's cute, in a kind of pudgy, out of sorts way, ain't he?"

Iesia snorts. "I am not, at this moment, offering anything," she says. Her eyes are for that bronze, until he finally finds a home. And then it's the brown, and she lifts an eyebrow at the new little hatchling. "Besides," she tosses back at X'lar, "You seem to have your hands full as it is."

Nerine smiles at the cute little brown now emerging from his shell.

Barbeque Sauce Egg wobbles, lists like a drunken sailor amidst its nestle of rough sands. Pitch, hiccup! The shell gains more cracks, a few of them deeper, but it does not, as of the moment, open.

"Liar," is the retort aimed towards X'lar before Aidra turns to give A'son a sort of sad look, raising up her shoulders and dropping them. "Um, yeah, but you kind of do it like this," Aidra instructs A'son, grinning at him and then picking up a piece of her own meat and wriggling it, like bait on a hook. "Catches their attention." Then, a look is sent towards Jendal: "Good job! How long's this been going on?" She poses the question to X'lar, brows quirking upwards. To Iesia: "He already broke someone's bed when he tried that." Ooooooh.

Nerine now curious she watches the barbeque sauce egg, wondering at what might emerge, thus far the count was two greens, a blue, two browns and a bronze. A promising and proud clutch to be sure.

Jendel blinks, realizing that the little bronze that had passed her up before is now looking at /her/ for more. "Y'want more?" She tears off another glob of meat, and it's quickly snatched up into the mouth of the, by now, voracious litle bronze. "Aye, aye," she says haphazardly as she continues to feed the little one.

Caitlyn looks up only occasionally now from her weaving of copper strands in her fingers - the woman almost smiling at times as people are enchanted by her golden pet's offspring. Dark eyes make out a couple new additions to the crowd...and suddenly her smile is gone, head jerking back down to her work. Nope, not looking. Grumble.

"Like this, Aidra?" A'son asks, wiggling his scrap of meat like she did hers. It's not as enthused, but it's happening. "Does this really work? I think it was easier for me to impress Nikoth. All I had to do was stand there and look pretty." He's still holding the scrap of meat down near the floor, but he's stopped wiggling it and instead is just look around at the people by him. Watching them wiggle.

"Too long," X'lar tells Aidra gruffly. "I was eating and all of a sudden it happened. So I got a sandwich. And came back. And got this..." X'lar comments about the little green, still seemingly posing for him, albeit sleepily. "Hey! Aidra!" X'lar replies, gaping at the bluerider. "Stop giving out clutchmate secrets!" To A'son, deadpan: "And such a pretty Weyrleader you are, sir."

Torpid Titanite Brown Hatchling just...lays there. In the remains of his egg-ly former home, peeping up at all those faces. Merp! His eyes close quickly again, but then there's his dam, nosing and nuzzling at him. Get up, lazybones. A deep, forlorn sigh, and the little blighter rolls languidly to his paws - giving a large yaaaawn. Up up, Infelice nudges his form again, and the babe grumbles softly, then crawling up to one handle of the basket.

Fayre snickers at Aidra's insult and she moves to hide her mouth behind a hand...before she remembers that she has raw meat in one hand, and a bowl of the stuff in the other one. "Nice one, my blueridin' buddy." She eyes X'lar, her eyebrows wiggling mischievously. "You're not going to let her get away with that one without a comeback, are ya?" Another snicker, this time due to A'son's antics. "Shards, do they not have 'lizard hatchings up at 'Reaches, Weyrleader?"

Torell's hunk of meat has begun to dry out a little now that it's been used for three flits. Popping the bit into his mouth and munching on it while he searches for another morsel to use. The emergence of the brown doesn't seem to get much of a rise out of him, though it's not immediately clear as to why. Eh, everyone has their preferences for such things. The half-awake brown is given only a few glances as he continues to pick through the plate of fowl and fish meat - accidentally spilling a few smaller gobs onto the ground at his booted feet.

Iesia raises an eyebrow towards the bronzerider-former-weyrling. "Really? My, I underestimated you, then." And she can't help but quirk a little smile at Aidra, and give the bluerider a once-over. "And you are?" she asks, only polite enough to pass for 'not rude'. A'son, apparently, need not introduce himself, as Iesia says, "Good day to you, Weyrleader. I'd offer a more official greeting if I wasn't a bit.. tied up." With bloody meat dripping from her hand. She's resting, at the moment, watching that lazy little brown.

Jendel goes home.
Jendel has left.

"They do. I don't go to them. Why am I here now? No, really. What am I doing?" A'son starts with answering Fayre, then goes with asking questions of himself. He puts the scrap of meat back in the bowl and then sits on the floor of the living cavern. "I'll watch. But I'm not taking anything home!" The bowl is placed out in front of him and occasionally he picks up a scrap of meat to play with it and drop in the bowl. Someone then is saying hello to him. He furrows his eyebrows and looks around, "What? Who? Oh? Uh... Ista's duties to... Igen?" Squint at her knot. "And her queens. And Healer Hall too, I see."

"Yeah," Aidra replies after she's inspected A'son's meat-wriggling, grinning broadly at the weyrleader and bobbing her head. "Ain't that the truth. Well, you also had to dart away from some dragonets. I failed at that one." And so did a good number of the other candidates. X'lar gets an oh so innocent blink. "What are you talking about? I have no idea what you mean." Pause, pause, pause, and then Aidra whips her head around to beam broadly at Fayre. "Thanks!" The meat is idly wriggled though Aidra's clearly more focused on prodding at X'lar and people-watching. "Wait you ate a -sandwich-? Not a meatroll?" A gasp is sent to X'lar! "Oh. I'm Aidra, rider to blue Yajieth," is said with a cheery grin to Iesia.

Nerine can't help but chortle at the little brown who has such a grumpy disposition about loosing from his egg. She smiles to Torell now grinning . "you silly thing, look at the mess youve made of yourself, worse than the lizards."

Barbeque Sauce Egg :tips over towards its nadir, then rolling down the slight incline of its own sandy mound. This time, Morgan tries to rescue an egg from careening into the basket's side - just barely managing to do such. Infelice gives a short huff, then continues humming.

A'son also says to X'lar, "Thanks, kid. I'll make sure to enter the next beauty contest I see being thrown."

Nerine watches intently as the barbeque sauce egg threatens to hatch. She picks up Torell's satchel eyeing it curiously wanting to relive her arms the burden of the sleeping green. She studies the contents intently.

Torpid Titanite Brown Hatchling yaaawwwns hugely, then smacking his chops a little. Red eyes open again, and he practically falls from the basket towards the ground, rescuing himself with a sudden flare of those huge wings. Whoa. Once the ground meets his paws, the torpid one slowly wobbles around on unsteady feet, occasionally lifting his sleepy head to peer at what om-noms people might be offering.

"You're here 'cause everyone loves a flying stomach that'll bite their fingers off if they get hungry enough." Fayre responds snappily to A'son. "But, honestly, they are real good at deliverin' messages, sometimes. Might help you out, considering your big fancy knot." After a shifty look around, she leans in closer to the Weyrleader to whisper, "'cause then you can send messages to Griere instead of facing her icy glares, see?" She raises her eyebrows, as if to say 'get it now?' and straightens up again. There's a chuckle for the brown firelizard's antics and a whistle of appreciation for Morgan's quick rescue. "Seems like these babies are determined to fall down, ain't they?"

"I thought not knowing where you are happens when you're much, much older, sir, or do you age so gracefully that you are older than you look?" comes X'lar's question, clearly skirting the rules of hierarchy there. Soon though, his features smooth and returns his attention to the now sleeping green firelizard in his lap. "Malsaeth has suggested I call her Cry Baby," X'lar tells Aidra, smirking. "After me. That's not going to happen." He growls at Aidra, eyeing her too. "It was a -good- sandwich, I'll have you know! I'll even make one for you, as soon as this creature's elsewhere. Shells, does that mean I have to keep it in my weyr?" X'lar's all talk now. "Ooh, that reminds me," X'lar says after hearing Fayre's remarks to A'son. "I'll be able to send messages to... uh... friends in other Weyrs now, or when she's older and can do that anyways."

Iesia is offering om-noms. Only it's in a very weak, lazy sort of way. Flick. Flick. Wiggle. Sigh. "Come here lazy-butt," she tells the brown, refusing to move even an inch forwards off her pillow.

Nerine Moves a scribe case, situates scrolls ans spreads the bandana with her free hand and slipps the sleeping green into the makeshift nest. Asling eyes her with a whirl of sleepy blue mixed with pinkish tinge but settles back into sleep easily. Nerine slings the strap over her sholder and grins to Torell. "I now see the use of this silly thing."

Torpid Titanite Brown Hatchling just plunks his butt down after not much wandering. Too much action after he expended so much effort escaping his shell. Funny how his rear has managed to be settled on a hunk of of meat set down by some foolish human...that morsel now devoured with more energy than the hatchling has shown the whole time previous. A lurch of his 'exhausted' form into A'son's ankle, and roiling eyes look upup. Feed me before I faint?

Torpid Titanite Brown Hatchling stumbles towards A'son.

"Cry Baby sounds like a -great- name to me," Aidra says, practically beaming and probably telling Yajieth to give Malsaeth some sort of mental high five. "Oh, a sandwich sounds delicious right now, really," the bluerider says, wriggling the meat around absent-mindedly and pondering the merits of said sandwich. "What'd you have in it?" Eyebrows promptly shoot up towards A'son. "Looks like you got it down, huh?"

Barbeque Sauce Egg is a ticking time bomb, and the countdown has finally reached zero! BLAM! The warningly-reddish shell explodes in a myriad of fragments - likely shocking many around it - and immediately following it, a shockingly bright hatchling erupts forth with a shrill trumpet.

A rock-solid conformation and tough bearing distinguish this lad as one not to be trifled with, even as his relaxed mein shows that he is also just as kindly. Unbroken from craggy muzzle through pebbled tailtips, his hide is a shade of shocking, deep turquoise so intense it seems to radiate from him. Wide wingsails of electric powder blue trail down to squat 'ridges and a short tail, while large eyes are dominated by rugged brow ridges and oddly bump-like headknobs. His bright coloration is only enhanced by squat talons of greyish-black, as stolid and strong as their bearer.

"Or maybe Leova-Must-Go or something," X'lar tells Aidra, smirking. "I'm not going to call her Crybaby. That's too cruel, even for me." He pauses and shrugs, offering to the bluerider: "I haven't decided what I want to call her. I'll look through Malsaeth's stories and see if there's one about a greenrider in them. Although Thelby might work. Or Graine. Or something."

Nerine lets an apriciative gasp slip through her mouth, the bright turquiose so intense her eyes blur from looking at him. A lovely thing indeed this one was, she nudged her scribe companion encouragingly.

Torell glances back as Nerine has claimed the use of his satchel. At any other time he would have snatched it back but since she's got a new 'flying stomach' and he's distracted with attempting to find one of his own, he allows it. "Pull out the bandana out of there if you would please. I might need it for," he watches the Brown wander off to an unfamiliar face and then turns back to his fellow scribe. "Well, hold on ..." and the pop of the shell exploding calls his eyes back to the basket. What's this? He looks more closely and wiggles a bit of the meat in his fingers.

"Until you spend extended time in Griere's company, you don't get to make any comment about her. Certainly not in public. Whispers travel far." A'son replies, lifting an eyebrow at Fayre as if she should 'get it now'. He keeps playing with his scraps of meat. "And X'lar, I'll have you know that I'm just as youthful as I look. I mean shards, I just turned nineteen the other day." Then something is bumping into his ankle. He looks down at the brown. "You're lazy! What am I doing to do with you? You'll just sleep everywhere." But he's hungry, he might faint! Sad eyes win him over and he tosses the firelizard a scrap. "Here. Do you have energy to live now?"

There's an eruption of laughter from Fayre when the brown hatchling gobbles up A'son's forgotten food. "Hah! Was more like impressing Nikoth than you thought, eh? Congratulations, A'son--I think. A lazy brown 'lizard..." Her eyes glimmer cheerfully as she continues, "For a totally not-lazy Weyrleader." The teasing tone in her voice dies down as she glances at X'lar. "Lieryth suggest something warm and jungle-like. Perhaps name her after a green plant or somethin' like that? I suppose Vine would be too simple." Her gaze can't help but be caught by that bright, bright blue. She even puts down her bowl of meat, leaving one hand free to shield her eyes. "Oy. Never seen a dragon or a lizard with that shade o' hide." As for A'son's response, she merely gulps and looks around anxiously. Eep.

Concentrated Chrysocolla Blue Hatchling shakes his craggy head, trying to get a grip on his new world before it might put the grips on HIM. Blink-blink. He jerks himself to his paws - balancing with unfurled wings and steady tail on shifting sands. Meat! Sniff-sniff! Not the 'lizard to waste much time, he bounces onto the basket's edge, then sails down on damps wings to land near his lazy brown brother. Snuffle. No, *you're* not food. And off he moves, looking around to those other hands that sill offer hope of sustenance.

"Could call her Prissy," is Iesia's offer, glancing towards X'lar and his green. "Cause, well, she is." Shrug. "Well, congratulations, Weyrleader," she decides, lifting an eyebrow at A'son's new pet. "And think of it this way, Sir. If your firelizard just sleeps, at least he won't be causing trouble, hm?" Shrug. She takes a look back at that basket, and surprise surprise! there is a blue there. "Is anyone keeping notes on color distribution?" Iesia wonders aloud.

X'lar tries not to snicker as he listens to A'son, telling him: "19, like I believe that one. I'd believe a meatroll sprouted legs and started walking away before I thought you were-" But he can't finish his comment as his attention once more returns to the napping green on his lap. "Graine might work. Or Vision. Like... she's such a vision." He snorts at that idea before shrugging. "I'll think of one anyways. Unfortunately I don't think Leova-Be-Gone works either." He pauses briefly at hearing Iesia, grinning briefly, "Prissy might work, yes."

Torell coos his voice a bit as he attempts to verbally hypnotise the curiously colored blue hatchling. "Yes, now...what have we here? Come over here you." He shifts the meat in his finger a little, the smell of fish hopefully getting the flit's attention with more success than the fowl.

Dijon Mustard Egg jerks, swivels about, rocks on its axis. Spiiin-spin! The crazy motion gets Infelice's attention, her huge blue eyes whirling quickly down at it as she nuzzles the crazed thing back towards the center of the basket. No escaping yet!

Ever the scribe, Nerine answer's the womans question. "Two Blue, Two Brown, One Bronze, Two green."

"What ended up happening with Leova?" Aidra asks nosily, blinking at the bronzerider before turning her head to watch A'son's battle with the firelizard. "You know I'm gonna find out anyway, Xie. You -know- it!" Because Aidra's on a mission! Again, the meat is wriggled about. Here, 'lizards, 'lizards, 'lizards. There's some om nom nom action to be had.

"Oh... Now I have to name you and feed you. Do I have to love you too? I'm not sure I'm up to that. X'lar, can you love him for me?" A'son asks, pulling the brown up into his lap and feeding it. Despite the comments, he does seem affectionate with it. "Yes, at least it won't be causing me any trouble. It'll just be sleeping.

Concentrated Chrysocolla Blue Hatchling finds exactly what he wants with a firm decision in mind. Waddling right up to that affable hand that kindly offers him the meal he so badly craves. NOM! Tiny teeth pull the morsel from Torell's grasp, and then the little one churrs deeply, nicely asking after more.

Concentrated Chrysocolla Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Torell.

Torell tries to move a little closer to the blue, though not exactly shoving the offering of fish at him. "Here now, come on.." his voice brightens, "Hey you... leave the pink bits!" With a tray half-full of fish and fowl next to him, he tries to offer a second piece and scoop him up in the same motion.

Dijon Mustard Egg actually lifts from black grains with a huge heave-ho - startling Morgan into a soft creel. The thing contacts sands with a soft 'whump,' causing cracks to spin out from the point of impact.

"Maybe Nikoth will love 'im for ya?" Fayre suggests to A'son with a shrug. Shuffle, shuffle she goes, slyly moving closer towards her clutchmates and Weyrleader, bringing her small bowl of meat with her. "I'm with Aidra on this one, mate." A nod and a smile is aimed at Torell and her new blindingly bright blue.

"Oh, well..." and it seems Iesia is once more beaten. She eyes her choice of meat, tosses it back in the bowl, and selects a bloodier morsel. Focused, she ignores the banter and chatter behind her, eyes locked upon that shifting and wiggling mustardy egg.

Nerine the Fortian Record Keeper grins wildly at the shockingly blue creature now at her friends feet. with a laugh she smiles gently stroking asling's tiny head. "Lets hear it for flying stomachs and two new messangers for Fort." she grins grabbing up more meat for her friend.

Dijon Mustard Egg finds this work tiring, the top of the shell lifting, falling - again and again - as if the egg is actually breathing. But finally, the thick inner membrane is torn by a quick claw swipe, and out from the narrow point that was its apex juts the head and shoulders of a rather bemused, gargantuan hatchling.

Monolithic, imposing, majestic are apt descriptions for this grandiose lady. Large boned - broad of chest and back, and long and tall - her balanced frame is swathed from blunt muzzle to ample tailtips in a glinting tone of deep saffron. Random flecks of near diamondine brightness wink playfully upon massive haunches, squat headknobs, and vast spars, lending a more classy distinction to her monumental form. Talons of old gold adorn broad paws, and a long tail imparts poise to what might otherwise be a rather lumbering body.

"-Another- time," X'lar hisses at Aidra, grumpy. "Later." He glances to A'son and can't help but grin at the Weyrleader, asking him: "Maybe you're going blind, sir, because honestly? How could you not love a little lump like that?" He nods toward the lazy brown before glancing back to his own little green. "Prissy," Xie says. "That might actually work." He glances toward the gold's arrival and blinks, saying, "Wow. She's snazzy."

Nerine a sharp gasp escapes as the majestic gold emerges, She glances at those still waving meat, wondering who would impress the bright gold.

Gravy Egg Egg trembles fitfully, then listing heavily to the right. Whump-bump down its sandy mound and into another egg it goes, spinning crazily for a moment before settling down.

The closer Fayre gets the more Aidra smiles, considering the fact that the other woman is an -ally- when it comes to getting information. "Might as well just spill it now before we think of some nefarious means of extracting it from the woman herself," comes the mock threat to X'lar, grinning over at the bronzerider while altogether blissfully ignoring his hiss. "You kidding? She's... Uh... Fat kind of. Big-boned?" What's the politically correct term for that? "All the love they need is food in their belly, Weyrleader. Take X'lar's supply of meatrolls, that'll keep him sustained."

Torell leans back in his chair, holding onto the small bundle of blue now clutched to his chest. "Here you are. Not too fast," he continues offering small bits of fowl and fish to his new friend.

And then it hatches. There's an unguarded flash of surprise on Iesia's face as she spots that little gold, and it takes her several moments to really react. "My. She's... huge." Indeed. Iesia even leans forwards, carefully studying the big-little firelizard, muttering to herself. She lifts a hand, and seems to gauge the size of the firelizard in regards to her hand. "Well," and she settles back on her pillow, "I suppose it would be usual."

Nerine Nerine grins to her friend. "Kimhin will love it when you visit with a blue flit." she laughs.

"Need I remind you of -Lieryth-, my dearest goldriding friend," X'lar asks Fayre, smirking back at her. "And I'll tell you -both- after this thing is over, somewhere where... there's no ears or whatever." He grumps again, sticking his chin out a bit. "Golds are often bigger than the males," X'lar informs Iesia, grinning wide at her. As if she didn't know already, of course.

Monolithic Monazite Gold Hatchling looks down at her egg. Trapped. Not for long, as she wriggles and shoves a few more times - the shell finally giving way fully about her powerful shoulders and wings with soft snappings. Ahhh, much better! Standing resolute amongst the litter of her former home, the imposing one lifts her head up majestically... Oh wait. What's this? Her flicking tail swipes her across the nose. Snort! All of a sudden, the regal one is chasing her tail like a mad feline-canine hybrid.

"Yeah, but then X'lar will die if we take away his meatrolls. What then?" A'son says, holding his hand up in the air. Food is continually supplied to the firelizard in his lap. "Thanks for that informative fact, kid. I'm sure no one here was aware of it." He gives X'lar a look and laughs, watching the other hatchlings with idle curiosity. "Can I name you lazy?"

Fayre bobs her head enthusiastically at Aidra and X'lar. "Yup, yup. We're woman. Good at making nefarious methods for extractin' info." She tosses her head towards Aidra, noting, "Perhaps we should take a trip up to High Reaches sometimes." At the mention of meatrolls, her eyes light up. "Ah! Or we could make sure you never get to eat another of your favourite foods until you tell us what went down. I got connections in the kitchens, after all." The gold hatchling gets a quirk of an eyebrow. "Well, I can't say Lieryth acted like that on the sands. But speakin' of which, maybe I should get her to talk to Mal. She can be better at wheedlin' information than me, sometimes."

Torell smiles proudly of the new belly he will be filling. "Huh? Oh. I hadn't thought about that, but yes. He will love seeing him." It takes a few seconds for him to pick up that she knew the boy's name, but he doesn't inquire just yet. Placing the plate between he and Nerine, he lets the small one curl up in the crook of his arm and strokes the blue's hide clean with the cuff of his sleeve. Definately a nice visit to Ista.

"Naturally!" snaps Iesia to X'lar, her nose wrinkling. She repositions herself on her pillow, unwinding her knees with a wince and rubbing her shin. And.. now the gold is chasing her tail. "My, so... refined," she remarks sarcastically. However, she'll attempt anyway, wiggling that new, juicy bit of meat out where the gold *might* see it. If she sees past her tail.

"That's not just -big-, that's like she ate everything in the shell and maybe a bit more than she should've," Aidra says on the heels of Iesia, glancing idly from the gold to the girl and then towards X'lar. "He won't die! He'll just get more," the bluerider informs A'son, grinning widely and snapping her fingers idly, wriggling her meat. Her eyes wander back to the gold -- wait, wait. Let's put on the brakes here. "Uh. I think she's a bit addled in the head." Then: ooooooh. "Yeah, we should do that! It'd be a fun little trip, I'd say." All of the goldrider's ideas are approved if one's to judge by Aidra's stuck-up thumb.

Gravy Egg Egg shivers, shudders again - hairline cracks forming all about it as the life withing struggles for escape. Shimmey-shudder. Bonk! Once again it lists into its other brethren.

Aion walks in from the lower caverns.
Aion has arrived.

Nerine glances to the bright and golden queen as she chases her tail. Her eyes touch the gravy egg for a moment before dancing back. She glances at the healer, hoping for the woman that this one would be hers, especialy after waiting so long on that stone floor.

X'lar eyes the Istans around him, saying, "Just for that, I'm going to stop eating meatrolls." There's a brief beat and then sudden laughter. "No, I could never do that. And Aidra's right. I could always find more somewhere. Have you ever tried those spicy meatrolls from High Reaches Hold? Shells -those- are -so- good." He pauses at Aidra and sighs, telling her: "Alright. Sometime. After this. We'll go somewhere and I can tell you everything. From beginning to end. The whole story." He glances to Iesia curiously then back to the others still surrounding the remaining eggs.

Monolithic Monazite Gold Hatchling plays happy tail-chase for a good set of moments, until her quick circles cause her to list and trip face-first into her egg shards. Splat! Blink. Still reeling in her head, the huge-little one lists over to the side of the basket - wobblingly crawling her way up just as all her clutchmates did before - to perch with unsteady feet on the lip of the thing. Woooo-woozy. Sniff-sniff.

Gravy Egg Egg rolls about again, back and forth on its bed of black sands, except this time, it sheds its shell like a peel when it runs over the remnants of the others. As the egg unwinds, out tumbles its passenger - the dark sand partially coating the hatchling's egg-wet hide.

An alert and incisive gaze heightens the already inquisitive demeanor of this lovely leggy lady. Her gentle golden-green, bountiful hide encompasses a long neck, rangy back, and a tail of extreme length - the tips curled into something appearing almost like a question-mark. A narrow muzzle and slightly protuberant eyes set 'neath subtle eyeridges grade back into tall, thin headknobs and delinated neckridges - her willowy form graced by the final additions of narrow, charetruse wings, and small, slender talons of drowsy summer grass.

viviana, lots of eggs and baby firelizards, aion, iesia, morgan, infelice, torell, caitlyn, nerine, x'lar, a'son, aidra, jendel, fayre

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