Lieryth catches up with Malsaeth

Jun 18, 2008 10:25

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth's voice is streaked with glimmers of happiness and curiousity in the form of warm sunshine. It starts off as gently as pink sunrise. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth seems distracted at first, but soon the storm comes, crowding in on that warm sunshine of the Istan gold. << Which brother would that be, Lieryth, you have many. >> Amusement colours, thunder booms. Soon there's a response. << He fishes now. With a rod rather than spear. Meditates. >>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Lieryth enthusiastically raises the height of her rising sun, letting more light burst forth to combat with that storm. <> A moment to pause in contemplation. <>

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth enthusiastically raises the height of her rising sun, letting more light burst forth to combat with that storm. <> A moment to pause in contemplation. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth won't let sunshine simply erradicate his storm. << Tried fish... >> There's amusement there again, showing images upon images of X'lar and he deep-sea spear fishing, X'lar holding onto make-shift straps barely with one arm and holding a fishing spear with a trigger mechanism with the other, spearing yellowfins, packtail, and the such, other fish. << Oh yes. We have had many fish. >>

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth isn't going to let her sun be erradicated, either. She settles on lighting up the scene of X'lar with bright colours; not interferring with the picture, simply illuminating it with warmth. <> There's a flash of realization--like a thunderbolt through Malsaeth's storm. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth considers the gold's remarks before finally answering with a quiet << Sometimes if it doesn't look broken, you're not looking hard enough. >> Malsaeth relishes that thunderbolt, providing another in the darkening skies of his mind. << And how does yours fare, Lieryth? >>

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth 's voice ripples with a thoughtful wind, a light breeze moving through the lush jungle of Ista. <> At the bronze's question, her voice warms with love, like an oven full of homebaked bubblies. <> For once, she partakes in the cloudiness and allows them to take over her sunshine some. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth makes his rider an example, showing an image of X'lar. << On the outside, he does not look so damaged, does he? But on the inside, he hurts. Who's to say he is not broken? >> There's a flash of humour and soon Malsaeth adds, << Not that my rider is damaged. He is merely who he is. He hurts, but everyone hurts from time to time. Such is life. >> More humour flashes as he hears Lieryth's next comments, telling the gold, << No. I have not bespoke Aerianth, only Nalaieth. >>

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth responds with an image of a green dragon next to a gold dragon--both just general images, rather than specific dragons. <> Now, her voice's warmth is replaced by an even worse thing than clouds: ice! <> Her idea of ice is flawed, some; it's the colour of water, rather than a mix of white and blue, and the cold she projects is more like a cool tropical night rather than a real blizzard. She's never actually seen the stuff, after all. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth considers Lieryth's remarks before finally offering his negating words, underscored by lightning again. << My rider has no thoughts on Aerianth's. He enjoys the company of both Aerianth and Nalaieth's though, this much is true. >> There's a pause there as the storm picks up, relishing that cold before making it snow, truly snow. After all, this is the same bronze who goes to the South just to see the snow and wintery conditions. << He accepts it, as he accepts everything. It happens. >>

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth has had quite enough of ice and snow for now and pulls it from her voice and images--though she's careful not to intrude on Malsaeth's flurry. A cautious heatwave rises in her voice as she responds, <> A younger, faint image of X'lar appears in her voice, one where he's less calm and mature. Plucked from Fayre's mind, perhaps. <> Wisps of smoke suddenly rise in her voice: old things are burnt and left behind, while new heat rises. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth is only so happy to see that heatwave, showing a parched land beneath as rain begins to fall, drenching it. << He has grown much in the time we have been together, this is true too. >> There's amusement again before admitting, << They have been good teachers for us. >>

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth's next question is sudden and piercing, like a ray of sunshine ripping through a crack in stone. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth's amusement colour his next comment to the gold, << Who says there has been any difficult part to growing up? Who says I'm not still growing up? >> Lightning flashes and thunder booms, the stormy weather getting worse.

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth ponders in a much gentler manner. Rather than a crashing storm, her thoughts mull about in a gentle summer breeze and swaying, freshly bloomed flowers. <> Perhaps trying to wheedle an answer out of her bronze brother, she offers up an example of her own folly. <>

Dragon> Lieryth senses that Malsaeth continues to listen to the gold, quietly understanding, if only because of that familial bond. Soon, thunder claps again and he's speaking once more. << I suspect I am perfect, not that anyone would believe me. >> Humour laces the words together into the clouds which pour more rain. << Hunting... I do so enjoy hunting.. >> Flashes of images, sounds of hunting. The crack of ribs, the grind of gristle, even the bleating of a herd beast. But soon, those images, sounds and even Malsaeth's presence is too distracted, his presence soon evaporating with the clouds from view.

Lieryth> Malsaeth senses that Lieryth's voice ripples with disbelief, but she does not outrightly contradict Malsaeth. Instead, she asks teasingly, <> Her warmth fades some when all those icky noises enter her mind. <>

lieryth, malsaeth

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