More Egg Watching

Apr 11, 2008 22:13

The galleries provide more than adequate seating for guests who have been invited to watch a hatching. There are ten tiers, that arch in a semi-circle from the southwest to west side of the black stone cavern. Stairs lead down to the entrances, which are visible beyond the large gaping opening leading to the Senior Queen's Weyr. You have a view of the Hatching Sands as well as a clear view of the ledges up above you.

Stairs to the southwest lead out of the hatching grounds. Please type '+viewhelp' to see information on checking out the clutch.

The only person here is Caitlyn.

Obvious exits:
Main Entrance  Sands

Basquirin walks up from the hatching grounds entrance.
Basquirin has arrived.

Caitlyn is seated at the rail, the closest set of gallery seating to the sight of the eggs down on hot sands. The bluerider has a big wooden board settled on her thighs - propped against said rail - and her hand makes smooth motions near that board.

A distracted Fayre comes in through the bowl entrance. Her attention is focused on her hands, which are curiously being held up in front of her face, rather than the eggs. With a sigh, she lets them drop to her sides and tromps into the sands. The candidate's interest is peaked when she notices the bluerider and she can't help but shuffle closer to the Wingleader. "Whatcha up to, Cait? Something devious and exciting, I hope?"

Not too far behind Fayre is a somewhat quiet Basq - well, at least as he approaches the other two women in the galleries. His first thought seems to go straight to look at the eggs, as he stops to give the sands themselves a sweeping gaze. However, he decides that he doesn't want to stand there alone, when he could be having a conversation with people! He smirks, and himself takes a few sneaky sidesteps that take him closer to Fayre and/or Caitlyn. "Devious sounds good. Exciting sounds better. Do tell!"

Not too far behind Fayre is a somewhat quiet Basq - well, at least as he approaches the other two women in the galleries. His first thought seems to go straight to look at the eggs, as he stops to give the sands themselves a sweeping gaze. However, he decides that he doesn't want to stand there alone, when he could be having a conversation with people! He smirks, and himself takes a few sneaky sidesteps that take him closer to Fayre and/or Caitlyn. "Devious sounds good. Exciting sounds better. Do tell!"

Caitlyn lifts her head at the sound of footsteps nearby, and is surprised to see Fayre, then Basq arrive instead of, say, Griere. "Just working on finishing up a drawing. Nothing terribly clandestine, I'm afraid," she answers them both, looking between the two. "If you want devious, you'd likely be better off talking to Kintryth." Smirk. Her eyes slips back to the sight on the Sands, her hand once again moving to fill in already drawn lines with colors.

Fayre twirls a strand of hair around her finger as she leans in closer to Caitlyn, trying to get a better look at the bluerider's drawings. "You don't say! I had no idea you like to draw, Cait." She hums softly and lets out a puff of air to push a few strands out of the way of her eyes. "Next time there's a clutch about, can I get ya to draw me the eggs? It would make my life /so/ much easier, havin' actual pictures instead of tryin' to describe all the eggs in my book."

A light chuckle emits from the only boy in their little group, as he says, "So Kintryth likes deviousness, eh?" Maybe Andy should talk to that dragon... Basq chuckles at the inward thought, before looking back at the eggs. "Can you draw the hatchlings, too?" He asks of Caitlyn curiously, and follows it up with, "and if so, can I get a drawing of my lifemate if I Impress?" Grin. Somebody seems rather excited.

"I've had others say that to me before," Caitlyn smirks, grinning up at Fayre before snagging another chalk laid out beside her to add more color. Her drawing is upon a large sheet of paper which is tacked securely to the wooden board behind it, and consists of a napping Aerianth surrounded by her colorful eggs and those jet-black sands. The quality is fairly high - not a Master's hand, but definitely a well schooled one. To Basq, "Kint doesn't think of himself that way..." A shrug, then the bluerider chortles softly. "I could try, but they whizz around so fast it's impossible to capture them in even a fast sketch. If you Impress, I'd fairly have to say you'd be better off waiting for a time when your mate could hold still for me. Oh, Fayre! Almost forgot. Yeah, I guess I could could do that for you...but I probably would have to charge you for it. The paper's rather expensive, as are the chalks." Cait appears rather sorry about having to tell her that. "But I wouldn't charge you for my time."

Fayre sets herself down on the bench beside Caitlyn, still leaning forward to inspect the drawing as she does so. "Dang! You're good, too. Maybe I can get a self portrait from you sometime, eh?" She suddenly laughs and slaps a hand against her knee. "Oy, between me, Basq, and the eggs, you're hardly going to have time for riding." The young woman clucks her tongue agains the roof of her mouth and shakes her hand. "Ah, don't look so sad! How could I expect ya to work for free?" She nods approvingly as she peers at the paper rather than the drawing this time around. "Aye, it looks like high quality paper. Nice grain."

Basquirin chuckles at the first comment about the blue - playing innocent, huh? The 'Reachian lad then nods at the next response solemnly, saying, "yeah, you're right." He smirks, and can't help but feel those twinges of nervous excitement rise up in his belly and chest at the very thought of hatchings and Impression. Basq shudders faintly at the rising excitement, and he sits down, where his right leg begins to jiggle. The boy takes a closer look at the drawing itself, and grins. "It's nice... the drawing, I mean."

Caitlyn tucks in her chin a little, a touch embarrassed but also quite happy at Fayre's praise - the rider continuing to exchange one thick stick of color for another - occasionally wiping her dusty fingers on an old cloth to her left. "Thank you, both," she replies softly, continuing to work. "I only wish I could go back to crafting, as well as ride. I'd have more time if I wasn't a 'leader, for sure. "Say, how are you guys doing? I know the eggs are pretty hard, now. Must be exciting!" More colors flesh out another egg, and then another ovoid is adorned with its proper hues. "Got any favorite eggs out there?"

"If my bets pay off when the eggs hatch, I'll be sure to let ya know. That way I can pay ya to draw a few things." Fayre notes cheerfully, brushing a few rogue strands into her long black braid. "Oh, were you a crafter before impressin'? That explains the skill." She shrugs a shoulder and her chestnut eyes look skyward in thought. "Well, maybe if Thread stops you'll have more time for craftin'." Her gaze shifts to the decorative clutch and she shrugs once again. "Oh, they're all so pretty and colourful. Which ones do you suggest, Cait? Figure I should pick a few in particular to watch when they hatch, 'cause it'll be hard to follow them all at once." With a knowing smile, the candidate nods towards Basquirin. "Think the excitement is gettin' to ya."

Basquirin gives Caitlyn a thoughtful look, before looking back out over the sands. He first points to the Imperial Luminary Egg, "that one! No - " and then he points to the More Than a Stick Egg "-that one! ...nah -" and the Candidate grimaces as he points here and there, before finally concluding that "y'know, I still haven't picked favorites, yet." His leg is still jiggling as he gives Fayre a smirk, "Nooooo, really?" Sarcasm. Then, a more serious tone, "I really can't stop thinking about it!"

"Always happy to take commissions...though it'd likely take awhile to fulfill them on *my* schedule," Caitlyn grin-sighs at Fayre, then returning to work. "Yeah, I was a Harper - voice. That didn't pan out, so I went back to the Smiths - jewelry-working. I could draw since I was a little, so being at Harper only helped me with *that* little talent." A grin from the woman as yet another flurry of colored chalks fill in yet another drawn egg, and she listens to Basquirin's recital - glancing out over at where he points, and nodding. "Kint's egg was this vainglorious kinda' carmine - with a pale blue jewel-like thing." A pointed look over to Fayre shows Cait's smirk. "Aww, c'mon now! I can't suggest to you. YOU have to have some personal preference. Which ones just speak to your gut, catch your eye?"

Forced to choose, Fayre hesitates for a moment before pointing towards the Blossom Extravaganza Egg, Imperial Luminary Egg, and the More Than a Stick Egg in turn. "I like those three, I think. The ones with red catch my eye, 'cause you don't usually see that in eggs, y'know?" Her mouth pouts out slightly and she nods towards the Wingleader. "So you come from pretty serious stuff! Do you ever sing anymore?" Her tongue sticks out teasingly at Basquirin and she crosses her pudgy arms across her chest. "Alright, alright, I was stating the obvious."

"It really is that obvious, huh?" Basquirin pouts, crossing his arms at the other Candidate before standing up. He grins, and nods his head. "Anyways, I think I'm going to go head back... I'm getting pretty hungry!" He chuckles, and gives one last farewell before heading back out to the bowl.

Basquirin walks to the hatching grounds entrance.
Basquirin has left.

Caitlyn grins cheerily at Fayre, nodding as the other woman points out her 'forced' favorites. "See, it wasn't *that* bad..." she intones with mock-solemnity. "*Lots* of red is rarer, yeah. But still, nice choice." A look up to Basquirin, and then the bluerider smiles and nods at him. "Enjoy your chow, Basq. Later!" Back to Fayre, "Y'know, I kinda' feel sorry for that 'stick' egg, in some way. Yep, serious background. I sing mostly to myself in my weyr when I'm in a good mood."

Fayre waves to Basquirin as he makes his exit, a small smile curling on her face as she does so. "Aww, it's nice to see such excitement. Most of the younger candidates are just goin' about with glee written all over their faces. Me? I'm worried 'bout maulin' and whatnot." She nods towards the stick egg, that little smile staying on her face. "Yeah, that's kind of why I like it. Rest of the clutch is so pretty and nice and then it's" The young woman sticks out her arm a tad in an attempt to elbow the Wingleader. "C'mon! You should sing out in public sometime. Ooh! You should sing at the post hatching feast. Perfect time to show off your skills, neh?"

"I hear *that*," Caitlyn replies of the younger candidates' excitement. "I was almost as bad as the younger ones in my batch. 'd never been to a Weyr before back then." More coloring is done. "Believe me, you're doing yourself a big favor by getting ready for potentially wild hatchlings. Not all of them are that way, of course, but it only takes one to claw folks up good." Another look out to the stick egg, and Cait's nodding solemnly. "I have this thing for the underdog, the cast-off..." and then she's quickly shaking her head, pinning Fayre with a look. "No way! I left Harper 'cause my voice wasn't up to enough snuff. No problem singing in a group, but alone?" A firm, stubborn shake of her head.

Fayre giggles goodnaturedly as she plucks out her gambling book from the depths of her sarong. "Noemie and I have it down for a brown, I think, so it can't be /too/ much of an underdog. Maybe the brown'll be the shy, clumsy type though, y'know? If we're right, that is." She flips past a few insanely messy pages to the current clutching bets. "Yup, brown." The candidate holds the book wide open and shows it to the Wingleader. She jabs a pudgy finger at the various scrawls, "See? Messy 'cause I have to make little notes describing the eggs so I can keep 'em all straight." The young woman lets her book drop to her lap, the pages haphazardly flipping close. After a moment of silence, she quietly speaks up, "Anyone get mauled in your candidate group?"

Caitlyn relaxes as Fayre doesn't insist, smiling at the other woman's giggle, then peering at her scawled notebook for a long moment. "You can *read* all that?" she teases the pudgy woman, then snickering lightly. "For *me*, it's that glassy egg, the purply-green-yellowish one, the really glitzy one, and the flowery one. I like 'em all equally. Yeah, I can see how getting a decent drawing would make your life easier. Now, if you could only predict which eggs held blues..." A grin and a wink, then she's back to coloring again. "Jays, yes! Me, R'layn, uhm...well, I think another two were. I must be getting old, or something." A stuck out tongue for her bad memory.

Fayre makes a quiet yelping sound like that of a wounded canine. "That many? /You/? Had no idea one of 'em got their claws in ya. Well, you seem fine, so if one of 'em gets me, I should be fine too...right?" Not sure that's quite how it works, dear. She grins sheepishly, showing a glimpse of yellowed teeth. "If I thought anyone but me could read my scrawls, I wouldn't be showin' them so obviously to ya. Gotta keep most of my bets to myself, y'see?" After a moment's hestiation the young woman blurts out, "Where'd ya get mauled? I guess some of the pain would be masked by your impression, 'cause of all the happy feeling that comse with that?"

Caitlyn nods sagely, her lips tipped into a wry frown at Fayre's yelp. "Aye, that many." Her bechalked hand sets down the current stick of color, is wiped quickly on the cloth, then flies up to her hair - fingers lifting up her light spray of bangs. And there, across her tanned forehead, are two thin, grey diagonal lines. Dropping her hair again in favor of the chalk, the woman picks up her coloring and speaking once more. "Kint needed me, and tripped up - right on me. Yeah, part of it was blunted, but the other part." Wince. "Rather painful, and lots of blood, since it was a head wound, the Healer's told me. I got off rather easily, too. R'layn got a big rip down one thigh from his own Talurith." The sight of those yellowish teeth stays with Cait, and she finds herself unable to ask the question part of her wants to.

Fayre scrunches up her face when the scars are revealed, her mouth forming a round 'o'--the usual sign for a 'that's got to hurt' sentiment. "Ouchie! Ah, but it was Kintryth that did it? It'd be worse if you were mauled by a dragon as they tried to reach the candidate beside ya, y'know? All that pain and blood just to be left alone on the sands." One of her hands clenches into a tight fist, the other depositing her book back into her pocket. "Sounds like the hatchlings get all excited about finding their rider that they slip up a bit." Now that her notebook is gone, her arms are free to crose together as the young woman leans forward to squint at the eggs. "Wonder if dragons think while they're in their eggs. Bet they're coming up with their names or somethin'. 'cause they already know them when they hatch, y'know?"

Caitlyn nods knowingly to Fayre's expression, her own of wry amusement. "Yep, my very own darling blue. Made our own kind of marks on each other," she snorts. Another, smaller nod for the candidate's other observation. "I thought *I* was going to be left. I felt...well, awful. But I knew I had my craft to go back to, so I didn't let it make me cry. And then Kint plowed up into my face. He was the second-to-the-last dragon left, too." Here's where Cait's features attain that rare glow at her memory - comprised of love, surprise, compassion, and a fierce protectivness. "Oh yeah, they can get quite excited. Just try not to fall victim to it." Smirk. As she continues to color, "You know, all of us mull that over now and again. When do they start thinking for real, or why are eggs these crazy colors? So many questions go unanswered." Another snort of humor. "Once, I asked Kintryth why he picked that name for himself. I got a ten minute dissertation in all the nuances of names, feelings, associations...but I never got my *answer*."

"If I was cooped up in an egg and became sentient--that's the word they use, right? For becoming self aware? Anyway, if I became whatsit, I'd go nuts." Fayre muses aloud, a slight shudder running up her spine at the thought. She stays silent as Caitlyn thinks back to her impression day, a small smile lighting up her face at the obvious joy. "Well, wish me luck?" She asks sheepishly, smile turning a bit crooked--perhaps a sign of shyness. Her bottom lip gets chewed on thoughtfully. "I always thought the colours came from...I'm not sure. What the clutchmother's mood and health and diet n'stuff was while they were growing in her. The colours of the eggs, I mean. I always wondered how the hatchling's colours are made, though. Like how come there's only ever one gold hatchling per clutch and half the clutch is usually green...just odd how it all works out that way."

Caitlyn nods judiciously at Fayre's words, coloring in yet another egg. "Me too, 'specially since I'm claustrophobic. Since they all have their own individual personalities, like us, you'd think the same of them. Jays, I just have *no* idea..." A wave of her hand at all the eggs down there, and the bluerider continues, "Yes, lots of riders and dragonhealers think it's genetics and diet...and a sprinkle of mood. As for colors...well, that's what's *in* their species - just like firelizards. Greens are always the most numerous, with blues next, then browns. Half of all dragons are green." Grin.

Nolee has arrived.

"Well, I guess wherries and other animals deal with it, right? Oh, and 'lizards, o' course. Still, glad there's no eggs for humans. Blech." Fayre throws her arms out in front of her, dismissing the idea. "Geez, must be hard to colour in all the eggs. Some of 'em are so detailed. And shiny! How do you get shininess to come out in drawings?" Her head tilts to the side as she continues to look out at the clutch. "Yeah but...I don't know, how do they all figure it out when they're growing? I mean, how do they say 'oh, the clutch has too many blues at the moment, so I think I'll turn into a green'." Eventually, the candidate just grins and throws up her arms again. "Ah, I'm just babbling nonsense. Don't mind me." The two are seated in the galleries, Fayre empty-handed while Caitlyn is drawing a picture of Aerianth and the eggs.

Caitlyn subconsciously grins as her fingers take up another stick of brightly-hued chalk - yellow this time - and she taps it on what looks to be the tri-colored purplish egg she likes. "Just like we *all* do. Shiny is tough to get I'll admit. I try for it by rubbing on the paper with the chalk - or with a rubbing stick or such - until the paper gets a little shiny. Best I can do with the materials I have." A look over to Fayre on her right (her supplies neatly arranged on her left), and Cait can only laugh. "I think even the dragonhealers are partially stumped. Better ask them, though. *My* head's muddled by all of that sciencey talk they go through."

A small group from the lower caverns, Nolee at their lead, make their way into the galleries. A sweeping gesture takes in the cavern's expanse. "At least it isn't wet or mildewed as it has been in the past," the blonde frowns. "Start on the far side, please. Prepare for visitors. Vis-it-ors. Ship shape. Clean enough that you'd want to sit there." She flicks back her hair, stubs her toe on a step, frowns briefly, and hobbles her way less gracefully over toward the seated figures. "Well hallo," she calls. "We're cleaning here. Not that you have to move, the rate these louts move." A sweet smile and a squint attempt to figure out to whom she's speaking.

Fayre stretches her legs out in front of her, a refreshed 'ah' escaping her lips when their joints crack a bit. "Maybe I should pick up a hobby. Don't think I could be as good at drawin' as ya, though." Another shudder runs up her spine, similar to the one brought on by the thought of being stuck in an egg. "Blech, I don't care much for science stuff either. Even calculating Thread and the like is rather dull for me." Her eyebrows quirk upwards a bit at the sudden approach of the cleaning crew. "Oh! Howdy, Nolee. Haven't had a nice chat with you in a while, eh? It's Fayre, by the by."

Caitlyn looks up at that familiar voice, and waves her multi-colored, chalk-dusted hand at the arriving goldrider. "Noles! How're you? Been a little since I saw you." A small, wry smirk for the tone the rather lazy woman uses on her 'followers,' and the bluerider gestures her nearsighted friend over. "C'mon over, Fayre's here too!" she calls on thhe candidate's heels. To said woman, "The only things that are utterly fascinating to me are dragons and 'lizards, puppies, rocks and gems, and art." What a nice, neat list.

Nolee approaches with some hesitation, but as Caitlyn hails, she brightens and makes her way right over, leaving the petite legion of workers to spread out with their cloths and their scrubbers as Nolee sits down near the women. "Well, hallo! Jays, if I didn't recognize it was you from far away, but I sure didn't. And of course I remember you" a nod to Fayre, "- I've been meaning to put down a bet on the eggs, but haven't found you timely, if you're taking bets this round?" She pulls up her toe, rubs it where it was stubbed, and peers at Caitlyn's art. "Caity! Well met, again, Wingleader. Were you discussing hobbies?"

Fayre watches the cleaning crew, a smirk beginning to play across her lips. "Shards, reminds me of the time we all had to scrub down the bathing caverns. That was just /awful/, eh? All that hair and gunk!" The smirk widens into a grin as the candidate takes out her gambling book for the second time this evening. "Was just showing my charts to Caitlyn, actually. Mostly to show off how darn messy they are, though. Can I put you down for anythin'?" Proudly, she wiggles her knotted shoulder. "I'm a candidate now, too, so you can even put a bet down on me."

Xielar walks up from the hatching grounds entrance.
Xielar has arrived.

Caitlyn can only smirk and roll her eyes at being so forgotten, but Nolee makes it up by remembering her actual name. "I think Fayre's *always* open to bets." Snork. "Hobbies, dragon eggs, dragons, people...lots of stuff," the bluerider murmurs, then lifting a chalk again and continuing to color in yet another egg. "How're you and Nala these days?" A screwed-up face that shows clear amused disgust greets Fayre's memory of that cleaning time. "Ugh! Don't remind me. That was...beyond disgusting. Only thing worse is poo." A rich grin for the chubby woman as Fayre points out her shiny, new knot. "Noemie's Naijath nabbed her," Cait informs Nolee.

Nolee makes an unpleasant face. "Ugh, the baths. That wasn't a highlight at all." She shakes her head, tossing her hair about. The appearance of the book elicits interest. "I wasn't much for gambling on Nala's little ones, as little help as she was in guessing them, but I don't mind it on others. Sure! I'll say there'll be at least three blues in the lot. Oh, and that you'll get one of them. Blues are nice, right, Caity? It'd be an honor to ride a blue for Ista." She nods enthusiastically, then giggles. "We've been spending heaps of time on a certain ledge at Reaches. Now that C'len's not a Wingleader, he has much more time." Tidily 'splains her abcences away. "Well! Congratulations on the new knot and on different chores! Is handing Caity the right color chalk one of the new ones?"

Xielar walks up the steps to the galleries, seemingly introspective. As he notes the others, Xie blinks and moves to sit one tier behind those by the railing, one further up from Nolee. "Is that like..." Xie asks of Caitlyn, grinning. "... the word of the turn?" The candidate shakes his head and offers, "When Aidra said it the other night, it was funny, but when you say it Caitlyn, well, it's just silly." He grins briefly at the bluerider before blinking once more at Nolee, nodding to her briefly before growing quiet.

Fayre jerks a thumb towards Caitlyn with a grin. "Yup, she's got me pinned. I'm up for bettin' any time, anywhere. Beats traditional games, in my opinion. Was never too great at dragonpoker. My eyes light up when I get a good hand no matter how I try. Maybe I should wear ridin' goggles or somethin' when I play." The candidate can't help but let a blush rise in her cheeks. "Aww, thanks Nolee. Blues are certainly beautiful dragons. Would love to ride one myself." She nods respectively towards Caitlyn's own blue-threaded knot before scribbling down Nolee's bets in her book. A giggle begins to escape from her lips, though she tries to cover it behind a hand. "Ah, no. Caitlyn's pretty good at picking out her chalk. Washing dishes are my duties today. All day, too!" Xielar is given naught but a curt nod of greeting.

Caitlyn can't help but grinning at the seemingly ever-chipper Nolee. "Blue are the *best* - and even Kintryth says so. But Nala is *his* favorite dragon...and she just happens to be gold and his dam, he says." A brow arches at word of a certain 'Reachian ledge, and Cait snickers playfully. "A certain bronzrider is good for you, I remember. Too bad we can't convince Vildaeth to come down more often." Xielar arrives soon after, and takes up her attention, for the moment. "Said what word? I said something funny?" Clearly, she's teasing the other candidate about the latter, winking at him before sliding her merry gaze to Fayre. "Maaaaybe I *should* make attending me a chore for all of you. Not a bad idea, Noles." Cue evil grin.

"Which word?" Nolee inquires of the pudgy newcomer. "Hobbies? Eggs? Nabbed?" Her guesses run around the subject before she tires of guessing. "I'm not any good at those games, either. I just forget all the rules before we get to the end." A shrug, and a hand waved to encourage her scattered work crew back to work, which they wryly do. Nolee manages a coy look. "Vildaeth doesn't like the heat so much - " but that's lost to laughter and nods of agreement, the woman mock-writing on an imaginary scroll. "So shall it be proclaimed! Every candidate has a day of attending Caity." Then a peer at Xielar. "That is, if you're one too. Oh, good. You are."

"Poo," Xie remarks, grinning. "I think I found it funny because it came out so unexpectedly from Aidra." His grin falls, however, as he notes Fayre again. A scowl clearly forms on the lad's face as he looks at her, before once again turning to face Caitlyn again, telling the bluerider: "I'm glad to see you in such good spirits though, Caitlyn." The Istan teen gives Nolee a brief look and another grin, adding, "Hey, I was Searched by Kintryth, I always thought it was a given that I had to attend Caitlyn." He looks over to the bluerider again, grinning. Fayre still seems excluded in jovial looks at the moment.

"Kintryth says blues are the best? My, isn't that a surprise." Fayre remarks to the Wingleader with a grin, pointedly angling her body towards the Caitlyn and Nolee and away from Xielar. Her nose wrinkles at the word 'poo' being repeated, though she stays silent on the matter. "Hey, I didn't know you had a far-off love, Nolee! Should tell Nalaieth to let his dragon catch her next time she rises. That way he'll be stuck here in the tropical heat with ya! 'cause High Reaches is far too cold for us Istans to stay in for very long." So obviously, all High Reachians must come to them. A'son did, didn't he?

Caitlyn 'ahhs' at Xielar, another smirk creeping across her features. "Well, I try to be more couth around crowds, and 'poo' fit the bill, this time. Guess I'm having a decent day..." Nolee's 'announcement' makes the woman dip her head in regal amusement, and raise that chalky finger above them all. "All of you can do my damned hidework for me, I so decree!" A belt of laughter, and then she nods at Fayre. "Vildaeth and Nalaeith are Kint's sire and dam." The odd hostility between the two candidates almost brings words, but Cait silences herself, not wanting to interfere.

Nolee tries to glean something of Xielar's expression, and, finding it masked by his hair, just blinks at him instead. "Yup, that is a given. And ugh, I have enough hidework of my own - no more for me." She shakes her head. "I was searched by a blue, so maybe it's similar." Nodnod. "Aw, C'len and me've been seeing each other for ages. His Vildaeth won Nalaieth's first flight, yup, and boy, was Vil miserable in our heat." At the mention of A'son, Nolee tilts her head, considering, oblivious to the tension between the two candidates. "Maybe ours should train in the cold, if it makes them fly better in the warm winds of Ista like Reachians do when they come here."

"I'm Xielar..." Xie tells Nolee, introducing himself plainly. "I guess that should have been mentioned." He grins briefly before leaning back and looking out to the eggs. At hearing Caitlyn, Xie nods once and adds, "Of course you do." He grins at the bluerider and adds further: "Because you have a reputation and all, right, Caitlyn?" He rakes a hand through his hair before looking from Nolee to Caitlyn, apparently oblivious to their conversation of C'len. He shudders and offers simply, "Reaches is too cold." The candidate still seems to be giving Fayre a cold shoulder.

"Shards, the gossip part of my brain has been awful if I never picked up on you and that bronzeridin' fellow before." Fayre notes with a shake of her head. "I must have it written down somewhere in my clutch book that Vildaeth won Nalaieth's flight. Oy, too many names to keep straight." The candidate looks down and rubs one temple with her free right hand. Perhaps Xielar's cold shoulder is getting to Fayre, but either way, she gets to her feet and slips her book into her pocket. "Anywho. I better get back to washing dishes. The joy of being a candidate, eh? Lovely seeing you two again." Only two? Ouch. But off Fayre goes towards the exit before anyone can notice her obvious exclusion of Xielar.

nolee, caitlyn, xielar, basquirin, fayre

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