Fayre, Quenby, and Javeri meet in the Sandbar

Oct 16, 2008 18:47

The Sandbar, Ista Weyr(#447RJ)
                As the sun hits its zenith, the Sandbar is saturated by the warmth of the afternoon glowing light. The Sandbar stands on stilts over the water's edge, a broad ramp leading up from the beach to the slate-roofed building sitting well above the highest tide line. The walls of the structure are nothing but timber frames, open to the cooling sea breezes but equipped with hinged panels of woven grass that can be lowered during inclement weather. Within, supporting pillars are draped in cast-off nets and shells and myriad tables provide seating with spectacular panoramic views of the ocean, beach, and the bustling activity of the docks to the west. The tables and chairs are made of wood, which has been dyed as dark as possible.
             A finely polished, sparkling slab of obsidian serves as the bar's surface and a series of carved shelves, also made of the sleek volcanic stone, are behind the bar. A chalkboard hangs to the right of it which usually has the day's specials written on it, though it's often used to record bets instead. A games area and kitchen are to the back of the Sandbar.
                The dry winter season relieves Ista Island of its humidity, replacing it with light, buoyant air. At the height of mid-day, a gray blanket of clouds dominates the sky and a nice, light breeze carries the scent of sea air.

Daily Specials

The early evening crowd is a mixture of riders and other weyr folk with a smattering of sailors to spice things up. The sailors are gathered consisting of themselves and a few women of possibly questionable morals. It is at this table that Javeri was sitting at although something said or done causes the woman to stand up and scowl at one of the sailors. "I have had quite enough. Really that's just wrong." She lifts a hand and slaps at one of the men's arms before she crosses her arms over her chest and makes for the bar. At the table she abandons a couple of people call her name to coax her back, but she doesn't seem to be falling for it. Yet, at least. "I hate when dad's right," she mutters to herself when she reaches the bar.

The crowd is about to gain one more rider, evening out the sailor-to-dragonriding-person ratio some. The business makes it hard for the weyrwoman to catch any ill feelings between Javeri and the less savoury crowd members, but it's hard to miss the other young woman once Fayre has made her way up to the bar. She waves one arm to call over a bartender, but her attention is focused on Javeri's unfamiliar face. Her chestnut eyes squint, as if making sure of something, before she pipes up, "Don't think I know ya. Or your da. What's he right about?"

"Huh?" Javeri asks rather intelligently as she lifts her head from counting the marks she's planning on throwing away on drinks. "Oh. My dad. You know my dad? Wait, that's not what you said." Maybe she's had one or two already? Either way she gives Fayre a welcome smile. "Sorry, it's been a day. No, I don't think we've met? I'm from the hold anyway and am not supposed to be here cause dad says that I shouldn't spend time with sailors. He's right. I can't help it though since they can be so cute."

Fayre's head shifts backwards a bit so she can get a better look at Javeri. A confused expression clouds her face as she again gives the other young woman a thorough look-over, but she just shakes her head rather anticlimactically before responding. "Naw, I don't know your da. Or you. Who are ya?" To get the introductions rolling, she sticks out her hand and continues with a broad smile, "I'm Fayre. I ride Lieryth here at Ista Weyr. Y'might recognize her as the fat, waddling gold--but that's only 'cause she's egg heavy. She's always curvy, but usually only 'cause of muscle." Her head tilts and the rider once again looks confused. "It's been a day? Ain't it always a day? I mean, well. Other than when it's night. And aye, sailors are cute, I guess. So are lots of other nice weyrfolk, though. We're not all drunken immoral people, your dad should know."

Quenby arrives from the main beach.
Quenby has arrived.

"Oh, weyr folk are nice enough!" Javeri says with a grin before she takes the offered hand for a shake in hers. "I'm Javeri. I work at the Hold with my dad. He's a potter. We get to the Weyr quite a bit for one reason or another. Well, him more than me because I hate making the trip too much. Sitting on a runner too long makes my backside hurt." Looking over her shoulder she scowls at someone in the crowd she left before looking back at Fayre with a grin. "Just mean it was a long, bad day. That's how my granny says it. It's been a day. Granny's brilliantly wise and all so I listen to her. She helped my dad raise me." She's at the bar right now with Fayre with a bartender just approaching the drink-less duo. The evening crowd is nearly half weyrfolk, half sailors at the moment.

Fayre firmly shakes Javeri's hand before letting both of her arms drop back down to her side; the other one has finally given up on waving down a bartender in the crowded area--Fayre doesn't notice the approaching bartender, yet. Instead, she focuses on Javeri, her chestnut eyes lighting up at the word 'potter' and already her hands are back up again, this time clapping together excitedly. "A potter, y'say? I have a good friend Suizen, an' she's a potter. You two should exchange tips or somethin', if ya ever meet." Her head bobs as she listens to Javeri, but her eyes are flicking around a bit, which means she's now seen the nearby Sandbar worker. "Ah, yeah. Grannies are great." And then, to the bartender, "I'll have a goldrider, if ya please." Fayre's eyebrows lift as she looks towards Javeri, her expression inviting the other girl to order as well.

Quenby wanders into the bar, her eyes move back and forth over the crowd as she searches for someone or something. One of the bartenders wave to her and she heads over quickly. After a few whispers she shakes her head, "You haven't seen him?" She sighs and pushes thick hair back from her eyes and tucks it behind her ear before saying, "Just some klah if you can please." She settles herself down to wait it seems at the bar.

Javeri's eyes catch the bartender, but she doesn't say anything just yet. "I don't think I've met a Suizen," she says in a thoughtful tone. "The potters at the weyr are pretty good. We get some commissions there, but not a whole lot. That's why I had a bad day. A few days ago I broke a huge order and dad's had me remaking plates all day. What a bore!" Now she looks at the bartender and grins. "Surprise me!" she says and completely ignores the way the bartender grimaces at the words. What a horrid thing to say when the place is busy, but she doesn't notice or care.

Fayre's enthusiasm continues as she inquires, "Oh? New plates, y'say? Was it the Weyr that commissioned 'em or just a Weyr member? 'cause I've been lobbyin' to get our old wares replaced in the living caverns. Some of them are real faded after Turns of use." As an ex-bartender herself, the goldrider is quick to notice the Sandbar worker's unhappy expression and decipher what it means. She quickly suggest to Javeri, "Ah. Y'might like a Lady Holder, being from a hold yourself. And it's real pretty. But, if ya want somethin' that ain't alcoholic, I'd go with an Istan Sunrise. It's nice an' sweet." Her keen ears are also able to pick up the nearby Quenby's request of klah, which causes the weyrwoman to shudder and swivel in her seat in order to face the latest young woman to come into the bar. "Klah? I never could stand that stuff. Yech."

Listening to the conversation close to her Quenby nods at the woman's talk of the Living Cavern dishes. She blinks and looks over towards the woman who adressed her, "You don't like klah?" She seems a little surprised, "I thought everyone did." She shrugs and accepts the mug from the bartender before adding, "We really could use new dishes. Alot have been chipped or just don't look very nice anymore. You should her my ma complain."

"Oh, it was just for one of the rides," Javeri explains before looking at the bartender again. "Oh, ok, well, give me a Lady Holder then. Who comes to a bar for non-alcoholic?" It is only after that she realizes Quenby only ordered klah. "Oops. I mean no offense. It was, like, rhetorical and all. I like klah. It's especially good after you've had one too many drinks." Slowly other words leak into her brain and she smiles again. "If the Weyr wanted to redo their stuff and they needed to go outside then I am sure my dad could help out. I know there's plenty of good potters you have there, but definitely if someone decides that's a good idea then definitely! And I don't normally break things. Really, I don't. It was totally an accident and we're nearly done replacing them without getting hardly behind schedule at all!"

Fayre sticks her hands on her hips, which does a good job of accentuating her shortness since she's already seated on a barstool with her legs dangling. "Well, I ain't a nobody and I don't like klah. It's water, juice, or a mixed drink for me. Sometimes wine, but usually only at gathers n'stuff." She shrugs, letting her tirade against klah go; probably only because her Goldrider drink has just arrived. She takes a small, slurping sip, her face contorting some as the sour taste hits her palate, but then the sweetness kicks in and she smiles. "Ah, it's a real interestin' one, this drink." But after that one sip, back her hands go to resting on her hips. "I hope your ma wasn't complainin' about the dishes three Turns back, 'cause that's when I was an assistant headwoman for the kitchens." In a slightly less defensive tone, she says to Javeri, "Well, maybe you and Suizen could make the livin' caverns some new stuff. I'll have to look into it."

Quenby shakes her head and shrugs again, "Ah well I just thought nobody didn't like klah is all." She sips her klah, "But I'll always say it's my favourite drink." To the other girl she smiles, "Ah I have to work tonight so no drinking for me. I don't normally drink much since when you work in a kitchen you could burn or cut yourself to easily." The klah is set back down onto the counter as she shakes her head at Fayre, "Oh no ma'am. We actually just moved here from Fort Weyr so she couldn't have complained three years ago. Well unless she came just to complain, which I don't believe she would have to be honest."

Javeri's drink gets her attention when it arrives and she takes a large swallow to try it out. Then she has another because the others are talking so she may as well. After a third drink in too short of time she sets it down and nods her head in approval. "Well, dad's the one crafted and all," she tells Fayre with a smile. "But that just means if you don't care about no stamp on em I can do it for cheaper than he can." Her forehead wrinkles up as she laughs. "Which is not to say I am cheap. Because, you know, that could be the wrong idea and all. Who're you?" she then asks Quenby. "I'm Javeri. You work in the kitchen? Ugh. It's so hot in there. I have an aunt in the kitchen at home and she tried to get me work with her, but no way!"

"Ah, I used to be a kitchen help too." Fayre adds with a scolding look for Javeri. All of the goldrider's ex-careers seem to be coming up in conversation tonight. "It is hot, but food is ever so nice! An' ain't your profession real hot sometimes? When ya gotta fire the pottery?" She counters with a devious waggling of her eyebrows. She thinks, now, tapping her fingers on her knee as she takes another sweet-n-sour sip of her drink. "Well, we're trying to glam up Ista a bit, y'see. Make it nice an' appealing. So maybe I should be springing the extra marks for a professional's work. No offense to you o' course, lass." After another gulp of her bright drink, she glances towards Quenby. "Fort, eh? Your Weyrlingmaster moved here recently, y'know."

Quenby almost spits her next sip of the klah out but swollows slowly, "I'm um Quenby, Well met Javeri." She smiles politly and adds, "The kitchen can get hot, especially with how the weather is here at Ista, but I still couldn't drag myself away from it." Nodding her head towards the other woman she says, "Oh my da' is a brownrider. We moved just after the weyrlingmaster did ma...oh I never got your name ma'am." She points out and extends her hand to the shorter woman.

"Not hot all the time though," Javeri says with a laugh. "Besides I always liked playing in the mud as a kid so it made sense I went to work with my dad." She has another sip of her drink and if she's bothered at potentially losing work of her own it doesn't show. Maybe that's why the rest of her drink disappears so quickly though? It's hard to say really. "No offense taken! Dad'll appreciate the work if he gets it. He's super good. He's got all kinds of references I bet from past commissions. And he's at the Weyr quite a bit cause of personal reasons so he'd be easy to talk to and everything." With her drink gone she has to start trying to flag down the bartender for another one.

Fayre reaches out for her second 'shake of the night and firmly clasps Quenby's hand in her own. "The name's Fayre, Quenby. I'm a junior here at Ista. So if either of you two need anythin', y'can always let me know. I'd offer either of ya easy trips *between* back to your native homes, but Lieryth won't be able to fly for quite some time 'cause of the eggs n'all. I'm sure other riders will be kind enough to do so, though." Her eyes widen earnestly and the weyrwoman smiles as broadly as her lips will go--she's trying very hard to be welcoming, but may just come off a tad creepy. At least her now easily visible teeth are clean. "Well, it's not like I'd mind if you helped with the commission. Just think Ista would benefit from the official stamp of a craftsman."

Quenby ohs and her eyes widen slightly, "You're gold is the one with eggs right now?" She smiles brightly and misses all aspects of creepiness, "I love hatchings, well the party afterwards. It's always so much fun and I get to decorate." She is a tad bit overtly hyper and shakes her head, "Nah I'll just bug da' if I need a ride. He normally doesn't mind cause I'm not that interested in heading back to Fort often." She hums and pushes stray strands of hair back from her eyes again, "An official stamp is always nice, mostly if you want to impress people. But you'll get your journeyman soon enough I'm sure Javeri. Especially with your da' to teach you."

Javeri wiggles her empty glass when she catches the eye of the bartender and then turns to shake her head to Quenby. "Oh, I'm not apprenticed. Some stupid old man said he didn't think it would be a good idea if my dad taught me and he thought I should go somewhere else for 'formal' training." Look at the little air quotes she does around the word and everything. "I think he just wanted to lure me into his creepy old man bed! Anyway I wasn't gonna leave Ista and my dad and granny so I stayed here. Big deal if I don't get work because I ain't all formally trained. I learned plenty from my dad to get by." Fayre gets a polite smile just as a new drink arrives. "Oh, thanks anyway but I don't got no need to go anywhere anyway. Why bother leaving Ista when it's perfect?

Fayre smiles rather smugly and responds to Quenby, "Aye, Lieryth's the one. She'll be clutchin' real soon, I'm certain of it. That's why I'm tryin' to get out an' about to my favourite haunts, y'see, before I'm mostly stuck on the sands." She raises her glass in answer to Javeri's declaration of how perfect Ista is. "That's somethin' I can drink to!" And drink she does, downing the last of her Goldrider. She sets her empty glass down on the bar, which makes a soft 'chink' sound as it connects with the obsidian bar surface. Her drink draining seems to have had good timing, as the weyrwoman slides off of her bar stool and onto her feet. "But alas! I must be off. Lieryth needs to be washed." Quenby and Javeri both get a polite head nod before she moves towards the exit, calling over her shoulder, "Pleasure meetin' ya both!"

javeri, quenby, fayre

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