Fayre Meets Suizen

Jul 04, 2008 20:29

Bathing Pools -- Ista Weyr

Well below most of the lower caverns, this humid space is divided into two sections by a large curtain. More immediate to the entrance is the changing area, equipped with benches and cubbies for personal effects. Towels are in constant supply here and there is a large bin for their disposal after bathing.

The main section holds the pool itself, a space with smooth walls and floor. Once some kind of lava-tube with a huge bubble in it, a hot spring was piped in and fills the center hollow. The luxurious bathing pool is about forty feet across, and reaches a depth of seven feet in the center; a submerged bench rims the walls, allowing bathers to sit back and relax. The surface of the water ripples as natural underground hot streams provide the pool with constant fresh water and the air is often thick with steam. Benches and hooks line the walls, as well as numerous glows to shed light on the cavern.

A long passageway leads out into the lower caverns.




Dark red hair, somewhere between copper and bronze, is straight as a board, and tied back in a braid that reaches down to mid-back. The hair frames an oval face, tanned from endless exposure to the Istan sun, and darkly spackled with enough freckles to map all the islands of Pern. Hazel eyes, that unidentifiable colour between brown and green, are slightly narrowed, thick brows and lashes surrounding them, while generous lips are often half-quirked in a grin.

Short and sturdy is the name of the game for this 19-something turn old girl, standing a mere 5'3", and over 120 pounds. Mud-splattered clothing is the other word of the day, even if not currently splattered - for this mud leaves stains, and is probably the unidentified substance under short-trimmed nails. As often as not, her feet are bare as well, giving her an urchin-like appearance, even though the short pants and thin shirt are well made beyond the stains.

Taking advantage of the fact that many still linger in the Cavern, stuffing their faces, Sooz is chin deep into one of the pools, hair already scrubbed clean and drifting in the water, the resident now just soaking the rest of the day away.

Early to eat, early to finish. Though the Living Caverns are full of food-loving people, and Fayre is certainly a food-lover, the young woman is already here and done her meal. Judging from some random grass and mud that's sticking to her hair and skin, she's ready for a bath. She's still in her workclothes, though, so the rider sets about stripping down to her bare necessities in the changing area. Perhaps because she's already assumed the bathing caverns are empty, Fayre doesn't notice Suizen--at least not yet.

"Beatin' the rush?" Sooz asks, not bothering to open her eyes at the sound of people removing clothes. Well, one person, if she were to guess. Too lazy to confirm, of course, though a lazy grin is apparent, if one looks over.

Fayre jumps at the sound of Suizen's voice, but being Weyrbred as she is, she doesn't move to cover herself up. "Yeesh! Y'scared me." Fayre calls over to the girl with a chuckle rather than a true scolding tone. She hurries her undressing now that she knows she actually has company to talk to and, once that's done, carefully crosses the slick caverns floor and gently lowers herself into the steaming hot water. "Ahh. That takes the aches of the day away, doesn't it?" Her eyes have closed in relaxation, but now her left one cracks open to peer at Suizen. "How come I don't know you? Usually I recognize anyone with an Istan tan."

"The sound of cursin' and broken crockery scared you away?" Sooz offers after a long moment, before cracking open an eye, "Suizen, one of the mad potters about. Or Sooz, if there is a preference.." There is a blissful sigh for a moment, before she sinks down to the top of her head, then back up, head tilted back slightly to get the hair out of her face.

"Mmm?" Fayre responds lazily, her eyelid sinking back shut. "I'm used it bein' me doin' the cursin' whenever pottery breaks in the living caverns. Hard to forget it ain't my domain anymore." The tension of a day's work begins to fade from her joints, allowing her arms to float up to the surface of the water rather than staying close to the rider's sides. "Sooz, eh? I like that. Makes y'sound like you're a friend already, if that makes sense." After a moment, Fayre seems to remember that she should probably introduce herself, too. "Oh, right. I'm Fayre, rider of Lieryth here." Both of her eyes suddenly jolt open and she shifts her position so she can face Suizen. "Wait, so are y'any good at makin' stuff? 'cause I need things to put in my weyr. It's too empty right now."

Suizen's snicker sort of burbles, then sputters, as she inhales some water. "You're bein' the... third? Maybe fourth or fifth person askin' that in as many days. For the most part, I am doin' so.. mugs, platters are possible, but also candle stands, tea pots, vases... Or if you're havin' any ideas, I'm more than happy to be trying." There's a bit of a grin at the friend bit, before she nods, "Nice to be meetin' you."

Fayre paddles forward a bit, back a bit, forward a bit, and then back once again as Suizen begins to splutter on the water, perhaps deciding if she should help the poor potter or not. Once it's clear Suizen is indeed not drowning, the goldrider relaxes some and sits back down on the ledge of the baths. Thanks to her shortness, slumping down any would begin to get water close to her mouth, so Fayre remains straight-backed against the stone border of the bath for now. "Hummm. Mugs would be nice. Ah! A tea pot, too. And vases! Come to think of it, everythin' you mentioned sounds nice. Can you make, like, storage stuff? Containers?" She moves her arms about some, creating mini-waves in the pool. "I remember cleanin' out this whole cavern once. It was disgusting, t'be honest. Y'don't want to see what ends up clinging to the nooks an' crannies in here."

Short people of the world - unite and conquer! Or soak away the day, that works too. "A box, with a lid? I could do that, sure - any particular size, or number? And... that's enough to make me not want to be knowin', I think. The remains may be reminded, come out again, and try to get their revenge. And then I would die, an innocent bystander...."

Fayre eyes Suizen carefully for a few moments, a single eyebrow raised. Finally, she bursts into a grin and gives one solid, certain nod towards her companion. "Aye, I like you. You have just a pinch of crazy silliness, an' that makes you quite...hrm, what's that word. Ah! Endearin'." As for Suizen's question, Fayre merely makes a few vague motions in the area that are slightly box-shaped, but her hands keep moving and changing the size. "Umm..." Her hands drop back into the water, defeated! "I dunno. Maybe...maybe somethin' that could hold hides? 'cause I have to do a lot of that junk. And then maybe something to hold my writin' tools, to go along with it." She shrugs and goes back to playfully swirling her hands and wiggling her fingers in the water. "But don't worry. The gross stuff hasn't kept me away from the baths, right? I figure it's lots better now that we actually did give the place a good scrub. An' it's certainly better than the alternative of never washin'."

Suizen snickers, "Well, better to be endearin', rather than be endured, I've always said. Well, I haven't, but I would have, if I'd known I'd be needin' to pull it out later. I'll have to be experimenting a bit, for hide-size, but it shouldn't be too much different." There's a moment's thought, and waterbubbling, before she snorts, "There is that, though now, they know. They learn... they know what will be comin'... But not bein' as bad is a good thing, and washing is even better. Stinky Weyr is not where I'd want to be..."

"I don't think I have any particular phrases I always say. At least not yet. Maybe...'don't break that or I'll smack you?' Somethin' to do with gossip might be more fittin', though. I like to talk, y'see." Fayre abruptly frowns and crosses her arms, though it may be hard to see such underneath the hot water. Then again, there are no more telltale waves from her arms splashing about. "Some people don't like that about me." Her frown deepens at the nickname of Stinky Weyr. "Oy. That'd certainly be embarassing, if all the other Weyrleaders started callin' us smelly or somethin'. So do your part and wash up, y'hear?" Speaking of which, Fayre reaches back behind her and nabs one of the many nearby jars of sweetsand. As she unscrews the cap and begins to lather the 'sand on herself, paying particular attention to her underarms thanks to the nature of the conversation, she continues to chat away, "So, are you a native Istan or did your parents bring you here or what? Or did you come here by yourself? Who are your parents, anyway?"

Suizen lets the flow of questions go over her, waiting for the 'rider to finish up before holding up a finger, "I like that statement," Another finger, "Already did." Third finger joins other two, "Yes, no, no, who knows and my mothers' name is Shellia." There is a pause, then she actually expands, "Was born here, my mother works in the kitchens, never did get any information on my father - failed flight fun. Never left Ista either, except when taking a ride to the 'hold and such."

Fayre seems to love the fact that Suizen lets her babble on and on, as demonstrated by the rider's widening grin. "Shellia! Pretty. So, did you get the S from her name?" There's a glimmer in her eyes as she continues. The pursuit is on! "Hey, maybe we can track down your pa based on what your name is. Think your mother went with the whole 'combining names' convention? 'cause if so, his name probably has somethin' like 'uizen' in it." She suddenly snaps a finger and realization dawns on her face. "Hey, woah! Shellia! I know that name. I ought to, considerin' how long I ran the kitchens for. How'd I never find out she had such a nice daughter?" Harumph. The knowledge of missed gossip hampers Fayre's grin some.

Suizen shakes her head, "He was gone when she woke up, from what she said, so I'm doubtin' it. Probably went with the 'I like the sound' reasonin'. And...er.. 'cause when I ended up in the kitchens, I broke more than I cleaned?" A good kitchen helper, she was not, freely admits.

"Ah. Good thing I ain't workin' in the kitchens anymore, then, 'cause we might end up more like enemies than friends. So what, did they make you become a potter so y'could start replacin' all the stuff you broke? That kind of makes sense..." She trails off as she finishes up scrubbing with the sweetsand. She screws the lid back on carefully and places it back onto the ledge, nudging it back a few inches so she doesn't accidentally knock it over if she happens to lean back. "That's kind of neat too, though! 'cause like...you could pass by your da and never even know it. We should write down everyone who looks like you, but in male form. And he's a rider. So, that kind of narrows it down too." Scrubbing done, so now rinsing. The goldrider sinks down some in the water and begins to wash away the suds that now cling stubbornly to her skin.

"Er... you don't need to be goin' through all that trouble.. And more like I was gettin' scolded, so asked what the big deal was, they weren't nothin' but ugly mugs anyway... Said potter was standing behind me... told to do better.. and...er.. I failed utterly. And demanded to learn, so I could play in the mud." There's a long pause as Sooz makes sure she can still breath, then adds disjointedly, "And isn't an Istan rider."

"Oh, nice! So it'll be an search all over Pern! That makes this much more exciting. We must take a trip to High Reaches then, or Fort--they have a clutch on the sands right now anyhow, so we could go take a peek while we're there." The more excited Fayre gets, the more vigorously she scrubs off the soap suds--meaning she's done washing herself in record time. "There. Now I won't be contributin' to Stinky Weyr. Anywho, I must be off. Was a pleasure to meet you, but all my bathin' means that Lieryth wants to get washed now too." After wringing out her wet hair some, Fayre clambers back out of the bath. "I'll see you around, Sooz." Her face lights up with a smile as she says the girl's nickname, and then she's off to put her workclothes back on and head back out into the rest of the caverns.

Suizen covers her head, and just entones, laughing, "Dooomed. Dooooomed. See you later, Fay - and let me know before draggin' me off. Won't eat before hand..."

suizen, fayre

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