I still don't feel 23

Mar 24, 2010 02:09

And I probably never will. I have never felt 'my age' after 18. People would argue on this being a good or bad thing. Whatever. I still groan when my age climbs - and Matt still gets sick of it. :P

My weeks been -pretty- decent. On my birthday I woke up to the surprise of a Birthday card from my father parked on my desk. Later that day I received a card each from my mother and grandmother. My parent's ones were sweet and funny & complete with money- but mema's really made me crack up. It was one of those audio cards and it talks about the symptoms of "age rage". It was so funny and I was so amused b/c my grandmother hadn't known of my grumps of my age going up a notch but sent me such a card.

Matt came over that afternoon and we stopped at a mongolian grill we'd never tried before; Bataar - or was it Baatar? Either way, if you have one near you give it a shot. Really nice place, wide selection and good food stuffs. Had rice noodles for the first time.

When we got back to the house I forced Matt to watch The Princess Bride. Somehow Matt grew up not seeing that movie; so of course I was all "what" and "must fix". Thursday... I don't remember anything of note.. OH WAIT. RIGHT. I started getting SICK. Sinus infection. I was so mad when I felt it hitting me. Friday I was sad to find out the event I was originally supposed to have my 'real' birthday party at got reschedualed to May 15th. Went to Matt's all grump about that. Hung out with my kitties and Matt and just hanging out. Saturday- zomg snow. Thanks Texas  :v  You so crazy.

SInce the new party was so last minute it ended up being just Matt, Rhonda, Scott an' Grandma & Grandpa Burkhardt. We went to dinner at T.G.I. Fridays where I was treated to the fried green beans I craved and Long Island Iced Teas. <3 We then went to grandma's house for cake and opening presents.

I received a bit of money from the grandparents. Rhonda and Scott got me the Alice In Wonderland DS game. :3 Also a little money. That game was really fun. I feel bad though, it's not exactly cheap - and I beat it already.  xD With everything found I add.

Anywho, I received a grand total of $135 in birthday money. I laid in bed at Matt's mentally wrestling. I finally said 'screw it'. Even if I put this money towards the 'responsibilities'  they won't get covered. So, it's going to get used what's it's meant for.

Sunday I don't remember everything we did... The weekend was just kind of a semi pleasant haze of warmth and kitties and... stuff. The sinus infection has kicked my ass all week. I am so glad I was over there and not miserable, in my COLD ASS room alone.  D:  Monday weeeeee weeennnt... Where did we go... We went out to do/take care of something..or... OH! Right, we went out to eat and Genghis Grill. Then we stopped by PetsMart [b-day money, remember?]. I got Harvey a little bed b/c he's been laying under my desk lately. Got Ninja & Lady a new cardboard scratcher thing. Bought Lady a new bird-mouse & catnip you put into its compartment. A squirell one for Harvey/Loaf and a brush for Harvey. [His long hair has looked so wonky.]

Next since there wasn't much in the plan for the rest of the day we meandered into Fry's to oogle at stuff we won't have for a while and whatnot. I ended up picking up Wrath of the Lich King... Yeah.. When I started that puppy up my little Arthas fan girl was squeeing. I think I'm going to order the novel from the Blizzard store too. I also shivered in fan-girl glee when I made a Death Knight and saw him. SAW HIM. STANDING RIGHT THERE. AND TALKING TO ME. TALKING TO MEEE ZOMG.

I know I sound so pathetic right now but I don't care. xD

Anywho, then Tuesday, I ended up getting super motivated and cleaned Matt's room up a good bit while he was cleaning up/moving things about in the driveway. [Car he's building, parts etc] I put away his clean laundry and gathered all his dirty ones and put them where they're supposed to be. [The hampeeerrrr. Not the floooor to become Lady beeedzzzz.] It felt good to be productive. :D  And I know he feels better. It's like I said to him after asking him, "You'd be amazed at the power of your environment on your mood." He helped me finish up what he walked in on me workin' on. Then I helped him find some papers he'll need tom- ::clock check:: today.  Theeen we came back here and unleashed the kitty presents on Harvey and Loaf. I fed him foods, we watched Good Eats and a couple episodes of Unwrapped and then he left.  :<

I are sad but it's okaaaay. His mother is going out of town this weekend and has asked me to come over to dog sit. Matt's going to be away from the house a lot of the weekend [not too much I hoooope] and they kind of need a good eye.. Danny's picking fights again. :< But anyway, I'll be over there again friday or Saturday morning and sleep in mah bed and cuddle more Matt. Maybe if I'm feeling really nice I'll do some of his laundry.

My sinus infection is fading off. I thought I was almost rid of it since a lot of decongesting was going on Sunday night but no real progress since. I'm still kind of warm and coughing.  Blerg.  Well, I think now I will go poke around on my Death Knight [ I was only on long enough to see Arthas and do two quests]
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