The preeeeeecious

Feb 28, 2006 20:35

Many years of fucking with a completely inferior machine have lead me to prioritize this purchase in my life. Oh, we love The Precious, yes we do. . . Anticipate not seeing much of me for the next few weeks. The Precious and I will be deeply enmeshed in NRE. Which I suppose is good since I gave up casual sex for Lent, which means I won't be going out much *laughs*

But, The Precious and I will be happy, oh yes, we will be happy, wait and you'll see. We hates the old machine, yesssss, we hates it. It's not serial monogamy, no! How can you even think that? This relationship is OVER, anyone can see that. The Precious is my own true love, I'm sure of it, and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's a newer model with more bells and whistles, and we don't have all the bad personal history between us like I do with the old machine. That's not it, it's just over, the time for that relationship is past and it was a good run while we were together, and now it's time has gone, just let it go! Yes, we made really great clothes together. And we still have that history, we still have those clothes. But it's time to move on, to go our seperate ways, develop in new directions away from each other.

No guilt there, no nagging feelings that maybe I should spend the $60 the sewing machine repairman says would probably get it working properly, noooooo... we love The Precious, we hates the old machine, the old machine doesn't understand us, the old machine is trying to hold us back, we don't need the old machine for a backup steady machine that isn't high maintenance and requires a doctorate to operate nooooo, we don't, we just needs The Precious and that's all I need. The precious, and this thread, that's alll I need... The Precious, and the thread, and the material collection, and that's all... that's allll I need... yes, yesssss....
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