Title: The Word Game
Author: Unknown
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Rating: R (UST, UST, UST, and lots of naked)
Word Count: 3609
Summary: It's complicated. Really complicated. But then again, that's what happens when you're friends with Sirius. Really, it can't not be complicated, or else it wouldn't be Sirius, would it?
The Word Game This fic was just lovely, and lovely, and yes lovely. I enjoyed every second of it and Remus and Sirius' characterizations were bang on. It was a fast and light read full of, yes, UST! The dialogue was cute and squeeful and the last two lines were hysterical.
Title: Kissing Luna Lovegood
Author: ???
Pairing: Gabrielle/Luna
Rating: PG
Word Count: approx. 3,400
Summary: Gabrielle comes of age and discovers life and love in Paris
Kissing Luna Lovegood Gabrielle is such an unusual character and yet the voice in this fic was superb. I have no words to describe how much I enjoyed reading this fic. The pairing was interesting, and the setting was fun and believable. I'm not usually one for femmeslash, but I couldn't resist this fic just for the pairing.