Title: Caught in the Rain
Series: Harry Potter
Character/Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Set: #1
Theme: 1. Code Name
Rating: G
Word Count: 140
Disclaimer: All places and characters belong to JK Rowling and the WB and various publishers. We just take good care of their characters in the mean time. No money is being made off this piece of fiction
Wind swept with a wild vengeance through the Scottish highlands disturbing birds from their nests and sending animals to seek out shelter. A storm was brewing. Dark clouds hung oppressively over the countryside, threatening in appearance to all but two.
“Se-” Long fingers covered his lips and he gazed up at the taller man beneath sooty eyelashes, his breath hanging in a mist between them.
“Did you already forget, Leo,” the man lowered his fingers, caressing his bottom lip as they passed. Emerald eyes stared up pleadingly, even as thunder crackled in the distance. Rain hit his upturned face, making it impossible to see out his glasses. He smiled and shook his head, flinging excess drops about them.
“Come here,” the man growled, pulling him close in a tight embrace, just as the rain began to pour.