(no subject)

Apr 13, 2012 10:08

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

I committed myself to doing this yesterday morning when it first appeared on my f-list, it just took me until now to work out what it was I wanted to blog about. Yeesh. Should NOT have been that difficult. Since 100 posts on the same topic isn't something my scatterbrained mind can put up with I'm breaking it down into 20 posts on five subjects (OMG MATH!) as followed:

20 on DIY tutorials [liberated from the blogs I read]
20 on Apartments/houses I want to live in ohgoshsobadly
20 on BAKING ALL THE THINGS, and probably failing miserably, with pictures of probable burnt/disgusting/maybe sometimes tasty things, aka. the green smoothie I made last night. Ugh. Never again.
20 on Fandom. Recs. Flail. Episode Reviews. More flail. Etc.
20 on Books. Since I'm still doing my 100 reads in 2012. This should be doable. Very. Very. Doable.

[Easter Pics [including egg-tastrophes] and Bruins Pics]

Monkey Bread

Kool-Aid for Egg Dye

This entry was originally posted at http://faynia.dreamwidth.org/312027.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (comments:

real life: holidays, real life: baking, real life: out on a field trip, !meme

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