Most people in my inner circle do not care about what is going on outside the state/country and it makes it incredibly tedious to try and find someone to just TALK TO ME about what is happening in
Saudi Arabia/
Protesters in Jordan
Protester kisses riot police
I don't use Twitter, though I've been stalking it along with BBC World News, CNN and Al Jazeera since yesterday afternoon. Even then I'm feeling frustrated by the complete lack of dialogue about it within the damn US.
The White House had a briefing about it this afternoon that basically boiled down to "So the White House has called this press conference to convey with clarity and firmness its mixed feelings and uncertainty," tweets former Bush administration speechwriter Joshua Treviño."
The worst part of this for me I am currently taking a course on Global Peace and Conflict. It's a Tuesday/Thursday deal. Shit was going down on Tuesday. We discussed Sudan the entire period. (Not a bad thing, as their election tally still hasn't been officially finalized, though it does look like the the
south has nearly unanimously voted for succession from the north and it has been done in a relatively peaceful manner. Voters lining up in Southern Sudan. Yay! Happiness!)
That doesn't change the fact that we could have at least mentioned Tunisia, or Egypt, during that class and we didn't say a word. Then Thursday's class was canceled due to snow, so even if we were to talk about it, it didn't happen.
Now I want to talk to people about it, to see what everyone else is feeling. I've been watching the tread on
ontd_political, which has been great for linking news, but I want discussion, honestly, I want to hear opinions from people I know and communicate with. I want to hear from you flisters, because I know a lot of you follow politics and the news and actually care that there is practically a revolution occurring that WILL affect us if it continues and grows even larger.
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