I will be shelling out the $90+ to buy this series when it comes out on boxset. Oh yes I will. Thank you.
I had such an odd reaction to that episode. I didn't cry. I giggled and made gasping noises, but I didn't cry. My face, however, is so, so red and my hearings like ringing.
If only the other shows I watched DID THAT FOR ME.
Now I've got to wait until Christmas to get that feeling back. BUT OMG I HOPE THE CHRISTMAS EPISODE IS THAT EPISODE THE DOCTOR WAS SETTING US UP FOR. PLEASE!
Or rewatch this one. I ended up rewatching Amy's Choice today and decided I did actually like it quite a lot despite some massive flaws.
I cried while working out. WTF!?
Time for new icons. Need. New. Icons.
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