A New Day, A New Dog

Apr 12, 2010 00:32

Meet MartyName Undetermined.

I know I never replied to any of the comments left on my post about Patches and I want to just say thank you. All of you. You have no idea how good those comments made me feel. It was really strange going home for Easter break and not having him there, but I didn't give myself much of a chance to dwell.

Just yesterday my parents adopted a new dog. His name is Marty, though they're going to change it because they just don't like the name. I'm meh about it myself. He's a bit over one and is a shelter pup. His original owners never groomed him and he got welts on his back that they tried to treat with hydrogen peroxide and they didn't feed him. Yeah.

But look at his sweet, fuzzy face! :D

I don't get to actually meet him until I finish out the semester, but it'll be nice. My mom needed another dog. Between losing Patches and my grandmother's continued declining health (another post for a day when I'm feeling emotionally strong enough), she needed another companion.

He's a Lhasa Apso, which I still can't pronounce but am determined to work on, basically. He's tiny and fuzzy and adorable. ♥

This entry was originally posted at http://faynia.dreamwidth.org/251075.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (comments:

real life: puppy, real life: family

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