Stolen from
melusinahp, but seen on pretty much everyone else's LJ.
01. The first character I fell in love with: Hermione. This probably has a lot to do with the fact I read the books out of order. My grandparents bought me POA for Christmas the year it came out, so I read that first and then jumped back and read PS and CoS. Each book made me love a different character, but when I started reading, I identified with Hermione first.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Snape. There is nothing in canon to truly endear him to anyone, but I still love him as a character.
03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: Sirius. I'm not even going to quantify why. I've already written a post on it once before.
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Fleur. (I would say Ginny, but I'm only lukewarm on her) Just because she ended up being all about her man means nothing. EVERY HP character of the female persuasion ended up being that way in the end. People seem to forget that Fleur wasn't some weak-ass bimbo. She made it into the Twizard Tournament without anyone bamboozling the Goblet of Fire. Not winning doesn't counteract the fact that she was qualified enough to be chosen.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Lupin. Oy.
06. The character I would shag anytime: Ginny.
07. The character I want to be like: Neville.
08. The character I'd slap: Ron. And Harry. Midway through DH I wanted to take them both and smack their heads together.
09. A pairing that I love: Only one? Harry/Ron/Hermione.
10. Two pairings that I hate: I don't hate pairings. I'm such a poly-shipper, I can't make myself hate any of them. Maybe Harry/Bellatrix, but really? That's only because those fics hit all of my major squicks, not because the pairing is a bad one.
11. Favourite character: Luna
12. My six favourite characters: This meme is determined to make me grumpy. Why is it so badly wanting me to take a quantitative approach to my love? Hermione, Luna, Draco, Snape, Harry, Neville.
13. My five least favourite characters: Again? I'm not necessarily sure if I dislike these characters because of what they did, or their major, major personality flaws. Sirius, James, Lucius, Molly, Cho
14. Which character I am most like: I really have no idea. Anyone feel like telling me? Because I've got nothing here.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: Harry/Hermione = OTP (friendship or otherwise) and it has since I began the books.