For once, I can actually feel a semester of college swallowing me alive. Even over the weekend I spent very little time on Albus(Let's ignore the fact that I spent a large portion of it sleeping). Today, especially, I noticed it. The majority of my day was spent in the library and then at work, where I was extremely clever and exploded a mocha milkshake everywhere. Walking home tonight, I realized the time spent doing reading for class was > the amount of time I sat in front of the computer.
Despite initial worries, macroeconomics is not very hard yet. If it gets as overwhelming as I expect it to, I'll go and find a tutor and talk with the professor. There's no reason I should be flailing around in a 100-level class as a Senior.
There was one thing I was correct about, between PoliSci and American Government (They're even held in the same classroom. I sit in the same exact spot in both classes) I'm discovering that I really do like following politics. This wasn't really discovered from one class, but more from the amount of time I troll
ontd_political and how I read the paper at breakfast every day. Those things coupled with having two very, very enthusiastic professors are going to make for exciting times. Either way, I'm going to be one of the only students in those classes with any interest in the subject matter at all. Long semester? Why yes.
We were given our essay topics for our "big" ten page argument paper in American Government. I got "Should homosexual couples be allowed to adopt?". I'm freaking excited about this. Although, I have to write five pages defending the counterargument. Not that this is exactly a problem. It's not like I mind having to look up the other sides reasons, I just don't know if legitimate sources for a counterargument exist. Anyone know?
*I should have gone to sleep an hour ago! I have to be up in six hours. All five classes occur tomorrow. *facepalm*