My night has been an intriguing mixture of giddiness and oddities.
1) Saw Eddie Izzard at TD Garden in Boston. A++++++++ I will likely quote him liberally for the rest of the week. This isn't an apology.
This. Apparently someone nominated the ONE Harry/Ginny fic I've ever written as a good humor fic. In light of this nonsense, I encourage everyone to go and vote for me. Because, really, winning something is like chocolate, sweet, gooey, melty delicious chocolate.
And really, I did actually like the fic. It was intentionally silly and as close to IC in its silliness that I could get.
I'm not sure I'm taking myself seriously.
3) I've had 1.5 latte's in the last three hours. One was a large, I'm currently drinking a small. I'm nearly 99.99998% certain this is a really unhealthy problem, yes?
camelotsolstice finishes posting this Saturday.
5) Since last Monday I've lost six pounds! \o/
/random post