New Year Resolutions

Jan 04, 2010 10:32

Having already mentioned wanting to read more books as opposed to fic this year, I thought it was time to list the others I've made.

1. Eat More Vegetables.

While I will eat vegetables and fruit, it doesn't always happen on a daily basis. I've been trying to convince myself that one leaf of lettuce on a sandwich doesn't count. I also need to cut back on cheese, but that should be its own resolution.

2. Get Better Sleep Habits

When it comes to sleep, I am not the right person to turn to when you need convincing to go to bed at a decent time. Recently, I've been falling asleep every night around 3:30-4:00 and then waking up at noon. Considering I have an 8am class three days a week next semester, not to mention I plan on going back to work over the summer from 8-3, this is something I'm really going to have to work on and soon, because four hours of sleep at night is not a pretty thing.

3. Weigh 145-150* pounds and keep it that way

Last year I lost twenty pounds through Weight Watchers, but gained it right back again when I left for my spring semester of college. It's not like they don't have healthy choices in our school's cafeteria. I just don't always chose them.

I know now that it actually isn't that hard to lose weight. It's just easier to put it all back on. Luckily, I don't weigh more now than I did at the beginning of last year, it's just disappointing I put the weight back on.

*Yes, I did just edit that number. We got a Wii + Wii Fit for Christmas. It told me to be at a good and healthy weight, I ought to aim for 145.

It also told me I had the body of a 31 year old. *facepalm*

4. Read More Books

Seeing how I'm a student, one would think I have no issue with this one. The textbooks alone offer plenty of reading. True, but that's another resolution. This one is all about the non-fiction and fiction of my own choosing. So far this year I've already finished one book and making headway into a second. Before semester starts, I hope to have read at least three.

5. Read My Textbooks!

I have this little problem. It's called I don't actually read all my textbooks. Especially when it's for a class that doesn't have specific assignments or quizzes coming from them. Most professors teach from their books, which never encourages me to want to open one. But this coming semester, especially, I'll need to. These are the classes I put off until I had no choice, which was incredibly dumb of me, but there you have it.

I have Tuesdays and Thursdays to catch up on assignments and readings. I don't work those days and I don't have class. Knowing me, I'll end up waking up at noon, showering around two, eating by three and will have wasted the rest of my time on the computer. I need to be a good student this semester. For once. And actually make the attempt to do work, or I'm going to sink faster than the Titanic. And less amazingly.

6. Cut Back On Computer Usage

Stepping away from time to time is always a good idea.

7. Finish One Story Before My Grandmother Dies.

My grandmother was diagnosed with stage four bone cancer last summer and has been deteriorating ever since. She'll have good days where everything is almost normal, but we all know that isn't true. She hardly eats. She spends most of the day sleeping. When she's awake, she's frequently forgetting things and consequently gets angry about it.

My grandparents have always been the most supportive family members when it comes to my writing. Always. Even my worst poetry they put in frames and hung on their walls. My grandmother always told me she couldn't wait to see me published, even though I know I'm no where near proficient enough to hope for that. What always continues to confuse them, though, is why I start so many stories and never finish them.

This year I have to finish one. I have to. Not only for them, but for myself. I've been self-doubting my writing skills for years now. And that self-doubt makes me abandon 98% of everything I've ever written if someone isn't around prodding me in the back to finish.

Very well, this could be my biggest resolution this year. Or the most personal to myself.

Of the five original stories I've begun, there are only two I really think I could feasibly finish. One, I started in my senior year of high school, so I'm certain most of it is awful, but it's about 5,000 words from the end, and the other I started on the car trip home for spring break.

That last one is the one I've been focusing on. Here's the tentative word count widget:

1350 / 20000

Currently, the other story rests at 37,000 words.

So, there are my resolutions for 2010. I usually have 10, but I think these might be enough on their own.

real life: holidays, real life: home, !list, real life: geeking it up

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