Title: Carry You Down
fayniaFandom: Merlin
Character(s): Morgana, Mordred
Length: 280
Rating: PG
A/N: Title taken from the song "Mordred's Lullaby" by Heather Dale. Beta'd by
Her heart hurt as she tucked the slender child further within the folds of her cloak to shield him from the encroaching guards. Clammy fingers entwined as they huddled further into the shadows of the castle walls. The fresh air of the forest teased them with its closeness and still they did not move.
Arthur would be searching for them within the confines of the city, but Morgana scarcely dared to breathe. It was unthinkable what Uther set Arthur out to do. How could anyone think an innocent child was a threat? She stroked her fingers through the boy's soft black locks, humming a nonsense lullaby to herself as much to him.
She shouldn't be out here. She was risking everything for the frail young boy whose name she had yet to learn.
It's going to be all right.
Morgana tensed, fingers stilling in their repetitive sweep through the boy's hair. "Did-"
I won't let them hurt you, Morgana.
A foreign peace settled in her mind as she leaned against the stone wall and fought to keep silent. Those words were not spoken.
The boy turned his face up toward her, and her breath caught at the intensity of his blue eyes. There was knowledge there and conviction. Who are you? she asked, at once feeling foolish for trying.
Mordred. He squeezed her hand and began to tug her toward the border of the forest. Mordred paused before the first tree. Promise you won't leave me?
Morgana stepped forward first, bringing him back close to her side. She could never go back after this. Uther would behead her or worse. If she followed, there would be no home for her at Camelot.
Crouching low, she brought her hands up to Mordred's face. "I promise."