If you haven't surprised yourself, you haven't written - Eudora Welty

Sep 25, 2008 12:22

I got around to updating my creative writing LJ last week. I never really used it before, I hated having a paper creative writing journal because I could never think of what to put in to it. I'm going to try again. I'm on the computer enough as it is, why not take advantage of it, right?

mmmpuns You'd be shocked that the journal's over a year old, but only really started getting used last week. A lot of my writing is flocked on it, the bigger peices especially, but the tiny writing exercises and freewrites are going to stay unlocked. I don't really get my mind either.

Just a few minutes ago I did my first free writing in about three years. I had forgotten how it felt to write for the sake of putting words down. Purposeless writing. I can't decide if I actually liked what I wrote or not, but it certainly was the most fiction of any sort I've written in one ten minute period since last year. I find it easier to write very fast in short bursts. I can't be the only one who functions like this. It's not that I want to put less effort into what I'm writing. I want my writing to improve, not degenerate, but I have problems finishing projects I start. Usually when I write like that, I get things done in a more timely fashion. It's just been a problem recently.

Writing + Me =/= BFFs for a while there.

I missed it. I missed the rush of it. So, what made me stop. I think I let my inner editor and critic come out to play full force back in the spring. High pressure fests are not good for me. I shouldn't attempt them. It's not the deadline, it's the need to push myself past breaking to impress people, and that came back to bite me hard. My work felt forced, I didn't have fun, and I stopped writing. I've frankly disowned half of what I wrote last spring. If you look, I didn't even try and repost my Worldcup fic. I hated that fic despite how much I loved the premise when I first started. The two weeks before deadline broke me, and my fic suffered tremendously from it. I want to go back through it again and flush out the weak points, especially the ending, but I can't even imagine where to begin with it any longer.

To all of you who commented on my last post? Thanks guys, really. I know I sounded whiney, but all of you were right. Short bits of writing does help.

A lot.

I'm not all that great at drabbles, but short bursts of writing are helping. I'm feeling ready to write again.

Consequently, most of what I wrote in the intervening times is absolute shit. But, I think it's all fairly fixable in the long run.

meadowofpeace, I've decided to hold off writing the epic Al/Reg fic of dooooom until NaNo. That will be my NaNo novel this year. Mostly because it's going to take at least 10k for Regulus to realize it's okay to even sort of like a Potter, let alone love one.

At least Al's persistent, y/y?


In other news, I got my hp_nextgen_fest assignment, and at first, I was iffy about it, but now I've got a kick ass plot bunny beating the hell out of my noggin. I just hope I can pull it off properly.

In other, OTHER news, mine and stormypups Snarry Hols fic is snailing, and I know I'm frustrating her more than I'm frustrated with myself.

writing: original fiction, fandom: harry potter, lj: flist

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