So, my friend BK, who knows I'm as addicted to House, gave me an SN and told me to go talk. So I did. Behold my amazement as I realize I'm talking to House (and for the record, my friend doesn't know shit about House and cannot spell this well).
[01:19] shadowenchild: Hello
[01:19] HouseIsDaMan: Yes?
[01:21] shadowenchild: I don't know one of my friends told me to say hi so I did.
[01:21] HouseIsDaMan: As long as you have friends I guess.
[01:21] shadowenchild: Friends who demand you do things.
[01:22] HouseIsDaMan: Yeah I have one of those. I think I might kill him while he sleeps.
[01:22] shadowenchild: Sounds messy
[01:22] HouseIsDaMan: Ah, no. I have access to plenty of not messy ways of murder.
[01:23] shadowenchild: Just make sure you don't appear to have a motive and people won't suspect you.
[01:24] HouseIsDaMan: Oh snap. I do have a motive.
[01:24] shadowenchild: Just make sure other people don't know about it then.
[01:24] HouseIsDaMan: Everyone knows my motive.
[01:25] shadowenchild: I don't. Since everyone else knows care to share?
[01:25] HouseIsDaMan: He drugged me.
[01:25] shadowenchild: That's...unpleasant. Drugged you with what?
[01:26] HouseIsDaMan: Anti-depressants.
[01:26] shadowenchild: Ah. So you resent that.
[01:27] HouseIsDaMan: They make me hazy.
[01:27] shadowenchild: They're supposed to aren't they? It's on the warning label.
[01:27] HouseIsDaMan: Well yeah. And they were taken against my will. I got him back. I gave him speed.
[01:28] shadowenchild: Slightly childish, but where did you get speed?
[01:29] shadowenchild: Actually scratch that. I don't need to know where you got speed.
[01:30] HouseIsDaMan: Well it wasn't actually speed. It was a speed like narcotic available at the hospital pharmacy. Just a harmless amphetamine.
[01:30] shadowenchild: Ah, be careful you might just lose that friend.
[01:31] HouseIsDaMan: Doubt it. I've put him through worse. And to be fair, he was drugging me first.
[01:31] shadowenchild: Well yes he did, but you still could have killed him.
[01:32] HouseIsDaMan: Oh I could not have. He's a pussy.
[01:32] shadowenchild: Ouch. That's cold man.
[01:32] HouseIsDaMan: I don't know why that's surprising.
[01:33] shadowenchild: It shouldn't be?
[01:33] HouseIsDaMan: No
[01:34] shadowenchild: Okay. So, that friend who made me talk to you in the first place wanted me to ask your name.
[01:34] HouseIsDaMan: You don't know it? And he doesn't know it? So why did he tell you to IM me?
[01:35] HouseIsDaMan: And the only reason I'm talking to you is because I left my PSP charger at home.
[01:35] shadowenchild: Poor baby. No video games for you.
[01:35] HouseIsDaMan: I know. My life is over.
[01:35] shadowenchild: Shame really.
[01:35] HouseIsDaMan: It's been a good run.
[01:36] shadowenchild: And for the record, he does know it. He just wanted me to ask.
[01:36] HouseIsDaMan: Well... is he stalking me?
[01:36] HouseIsDaMan: More importantly, are you stalking me?
[01:36] shadowenchild: God no, I'd much rather stalk your friend. >.>
[01:37] shadowenchild: And I don't know if he is. Would that bother you?
[01:37] HouseIsDaMan: As long as he doesn't have plans to shoot me, he can do what he wants.
[01:37] HouseIsDaMan: You want to stalk Wilson?
[01:38] shadowenchild: Of course I do. He's much more huggable then your crabby arse.
[01:39] shadowenchild: And I don't think my friend can fire a gun and it's got to be getting late because that sounded like an inneundo
[01:39] HouseIsDaMan: Well, I'm glad I'm not described as huggable. I've worked hard to squash that nasty rumor that I'm Hug You Long Time Bear
[01:39] shadowenchild: Chase didn't seem to have issues hugging you.
[01:40] shadowenchild: But then again, Chase has admitted he glows.
[01:40] HouseIsDaMan: Chase is also British.
[01:40] shadowenchild: He is not, and why is his hair suddenly brown? Does he dye it?
[01:41] HouseIsDaMan: Oh yes, we get together on the weekends and dye each other's hair, talk about girls and watch Lindsay Lohan movies over pizza. How would I know what Chase does to his hair.
[01:42] shadowenchild: Because you work with him. And I hope you don't watch Lindsay Lohan movies because that would ruin your reputation of being unapproachable
[01:42] shadowenchild: you'll have legions of 12-17 year old girls on your doorstep
[01:42] HouseIsDaMan: But she's so adorable... and now she's legal.
[01:43] shadowenchild: And has been in rehab, what twice?
[01:43] HouseIsDaMan: Hey... rehab is for quitters. Like Foreman. Hey I should right that down.
[01:44] shadowenchild: Write not right and you should. It'd get you away from repetitve black jokes
[01:44] HouseIsDaMan: I know.. I think I took too many pills. I'm getting slightly retarded.
[01:45] shadowenchild: Just don't vomit electric lime green again and I think everyone will be happy
[01:45] HouseIsDaMan: But it's so yummy.
[01:46] shadowenchild: It's a color in a crayola crayon box. It's looked like you ate five of those crayons and they didn't sit well.
[01:46] HouseIsDaMan: How did you know I eat crayons?
[01:48] shadowenchild: I always suspected you indulged your inner five year old too often. Just don't eat paste or swallow gum, then you'll be in real trouble.
[01:48] HouseIsDaMan: No, I moved passed paste when I learned how to tie my shoes by myself.
[01:49] shadowenchild: Your such a clever boy. If I saw you face to face I'd give you a macedamia nut cookie
[01:49] HouseIsDaMan: Well woohoo.
[01:50] shadowenchild: You know you love them.
[01:50] HouseIsDaMan: If it's food and it's free, I like it. Unless it's pickles. Then I don't want it.
[01:50] HouseIsDaMan: Want them..
[01:50] shadowenchild: You don't like pickles? But, come on now, they're pickles! Cucumbers with lots of perservative.
[01:51] HouseIsDaMan: I hate pickles.
[01:52] shadowenchild: If I ever talk to Wilson I'll tell him to slip them into his bag of chips so the next time you steal them you'll have that smell on your fingers all day
[01:53] HouseIsDaMan: Well that's mean.
[01:54] shadowenchild: It's a cruel world. And that's cliched...oh well. I'm sticking by my cliche thanks
[01:54] HouseIsDaMan: You stick by that cliche. Good for you.
[01:55] shadowenchild: I will.
[01:55] HouseIsDaMan: Never be a quitter.
[01:56] shadowenchild: You're like the fifth person to say that to me this week.
[01:57] shadowenchild: I don't quit. I sulk and do other things teenagers do and then get over it
[01:57] HouseIsDaMan: Are you an emo kid?
[01:58] shadowenchild: Gosh no. I'm probably the most obnoxiously happy person you'll ever have the pleasure or displeasure of meeting.
[01:59] HouseIsDaMan: Well that's good. I think Chase is becoming an emo kid. He'll probably dye his hair black and start buying Fall Out Boy cds
[01:59] shadowenchild: It's really all Cameron's fault. Her and her pretentious bitchiness.
[02:00] HouseIsDaMan: Let's burn her at the stake.
[02:00] shadowenchild: I'm smelling sarcasm. You'd miss her and her comfortable shoes, which by the way if you look at her shoes sometime make a note that pointy toes is not comfortable.
[02:02] HouseIsDaMan: I will tomorrow. Now I'm going to bed. Because it seems like a good idea.