Yesterday's shopping spree was made of win. :) Walked out of the store with a big grin and the following:
The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947, with Gene Tierney looking exquisite)
The Loves of Carmen (1948, with Rita Hayworth doing the full "I could ride you at a gallop" approach - though Glenn Ford's Jose is such a Riley)
A Streetcar Named Desire (haven't seen it in years, too long)
Les Enfants du Paradis (for the heartbreakingly romantic Frenchness of it all)
Blackadder's Christmas Carol (missing from my Blackadder collection)
a BBC documentary about the Crusades, done by Terry Jones
Absolutely Fabulous (second and third seasons)
On a more fandomy note - three links to Darla-meta, 'cause that's what I've been reading...
Darla's Views on Relationships and Love by
The Obstructed View: Spike and Darla's Hidden Relationship by
Are You Ready to Be Strong? (comparison of Joyce and Darla as mothers) by
icemink Still working on that 1898-1900 fic in Spike's PoV - what the remaining Three out of Four might have been like after Angelus got the soul and split. Much fun.