Making Money on the Internet

Dec 11, 2011 10:41

Every day I spend some time trying to make money on the Internet.  I write for Hubpages, Squidoo, RedGage, Gather, and a few others. I just wish it was enough to live on. Still, I appreciate what I get and it's enough to keep my head above water. It's creative and I get to use my photography skills and plug my shops on Etsy, Zazzle and Cafe Press. I hate being at the mercy of Google's algorithms though. They never seem to shift in a direction that makes me more money. I have about 80 blogs on Blogger, but took all my Google Adsense ads off of them.  I just felt like they were only making pennies and it wasn't worth all the clutter on my blogs.

squidoo, hubpages, gather, google, blogger, money, make, redgage

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