I miss football!!

Feb 10, 2008 14:07

Well, it's Sunday, but something is surely missing!
Where is the football? I really do hate this time of the year. Football is over and there is just something missing. Football is about more than the games, it's about family and fun and doing things together. I can't tell you how many times I call my grown girls and say "hey you want to come over and watch the game?". They would come over and we'd all pitch in getting "football food" as I call it. We'd make chili or sub sandwiches, have chips and dip. Yeah I know not the best food for you in the world, but it's football!!

The kids would play as we watched the game, sometimes during intense parts we'd be begging them to "get out of the way" of the t.v. and other times, my daughters and I would be talking so much we were not even paying attention till something big happened. The girls and I would be in the kitchen at times, and other times, my husband Dave would be in there mixing something up. We didn't get drunk or anything like that, we just enjoyed the company of one another.

Sometimes it would be just Dave and I watching the games, if the girls were working or had other things to do. My teenage daughter only watches the Buckeyes, seldom pro, though she is a Bengals fan like us. I know! I know! Feel sorry for me don't you? My point is, more than the actual game, football means family in my family. We all love it. I can't watch a Buckeye's game without thinking of my step father Ron, who passed away nearly a year ago. He taught me so much about football. The love for the game, the little ins and outs and honestly, I know more about football than lots of Men. I can spot a clip or other penalties that some women have no idea what they are. I even watch alone, my daughter laughs at me because she can hear me yelling at the T.V. upstairs sometimes. She said she never has to watch a game to know how it's going.

Well after this long ramble the point is, Sunday is just not the same (neither is Saturday) without football! I miss it and am already counting down the weeks/days till September!

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