Things you inherit

Jan 27, 2008 23:41

 I've been thinking a lot today about things that you inherit from your family. I don't mean money, or jewels or anything. I mean mentally and physically.

Take me for instance. I have no idea where I got this from, but it absolutely drives me nuts if somebody puts their feet on me. I can be sitting on the sofa (we have one of those big sectionals) and Dave on the other side or not too far away, and if his legs are stretched out and his feet are anywhere near my feet or thighs or whatever, I just can't stand it! It's like any moment I know he's going to put his feet on me and I just cringe, inching closer and closer to the arm of the sofa so he can't touch me. He thinks it's so funny too.

Now my grown daughters, who did not live with me growing up, are the same way! I did not influence them, but they hate it too. My youngest daughter does as well, but of course she grew up with me, knowing how much I hate it so her's could be my influence I know. It's so funny because I don't care if the babies do it, but my other grandchildren that are about 3 and up, they better not! And they also take great delight in trying to sneak their feet on me.

I was also thinking of my grandparents. My grandmother and grandfather on my dad's side, (I never really knew my mom's parents she died when mom was just six and he when I was only 2) were such a cute and funny couple. My granddad was a tall and slender man, for somebody born in 1909 he was over 6 foot, I'd guess about 6'2". That's kind of tall for men of his generation. My grandmother on the other hand, was lucky if she was 5 feet tall. She was short and round and he was tall and slender. I always think of that nursery rhyme about Jack Sprat and his wife. Not that they ate like them, just he was tall and thin and her short and squat.

It's funny because for all the hype about eating healthy, my grandfather who was 92 when he passed away, ate for breakfast every morning of his adult life, bacon and fried eggs with toast and real butter. And my grandma made the BEST fried eggs. We called them dippy eggs, because we loved to dip the yoke with our toast. Now my grandmother would fry that egg right in that bacon fat too!! and she would not even flip the eggs to get them done. Oh no! She'd just take her spatula and splash grease up over the egg to cook it!! I can feel my arteries harden just thinking of it!

Now can you believe that! I have to tell you, they were the BEST eggs I have ever eaten to this day too!! I think I inherited from both of them. From granddad, I'm tallish. not overly so, but 5'8". But from my grandmother, I got the overweight gene, or at least the "loves to eat" gene.

The sad thing that made me think of all this, is Dave's brother, and what could be in store for Dave as well with that prostate cancer. Sometimes we inherit wonderful things from our family, sometimes, not so wonderful. I just hope that everything turns out for the best.  I'm tired, goodnight everybody.

ta ta for now,
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