Dec 06, 2009 00:29
I have not been on due to my labtop hard drive not responding.I did this to our labtop cause there was not that much gb 230 o.o man what all the anime screen shots for bleach,naruto,vampire knight and d.gray-man over 3000 to be.I was going to turn them into motivational posters.I will either have to see how much it is to get the hard drive which is around 200 dollars or more and upgrade other things which will cost a lot.Man are am going to have to buy a new computer and upgrade graphics card ram and all that jazz.I want a gaming/art pc so I can game and hopely started posting art works someday on deviantart.I will be back until then I will keep my self busy what drawing ect like my charcters Feral,fran,Paris,Persia and Sake would say damn it well later ppl.