To sp00n..or not

Jul 12, 2004 22:34

I swallowed my pride, the day you layed eyes on me..

I wish I could have kept sleeping ..
I tried, I just couldn't ..
To many thoughts when I don't keep myself busy.
I seriously fucked up Saturday
There isn't any turning back though
I knew I would regret it
I just want to disappear from all this shit, so I do not fuck up any more.
It's not like it would be considered a "fuck up" from people I know, but to myself I am dissapointed, and that is just that.

I mean .. I remember the day when it didn't matter who you were cool with .. it wasn't about popularity ..
But then I think, when you are deprived of it for SO long, because your NOT the teen dream N shit, you consume and absorb that shit like a sponge .. when you finally GET IT. And the people that would really care for you .. well .. they are vapor ..
Just to be popular ..
I rather stay a fucking loser.
I mean, I may be unbelievably alone, but atleast I keep myself in tact.
.. right ..

I just want somebody ..I am so fucking sick of being alone.
It hurts so bad, to know there are people I care about that care about me .. but I am so fucking shallow at times, I don't think it would go anywhere.
People have tried with me like crazy. They say "i love you" .. they say "your beautiful" .. the words are so empty though, because most of the time it is coming from someone I could care less for and they ae just obssest. Then when it comes form someone I actually care about, they only end up fucking me harder than I could have realized. ..
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