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yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 07:27:13 UTC
gam calm dowwn
wwhy the fuck are you flippin your shit
is it cuz a your ancestor is that wwhat this is
wwe can handle him gam no reason to fuckin panic

[Yeah ok, he's not as calm as he is trying to make himself seem. He understands and KNOWS what the indigo bloods are capable of, and what this might mean for Karkat...]


faygot December 3 2011, 07:38:47 UTC
We cAn't dEaL WiTh tHaT, bRo.
We fUcKiN CaN'T.
YoU EvEn aLl kNoW WhAt a mOtHeRfUcKiN GrAnD HiGhBlOoD CaN Do?


yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 07:59:24 UTC
im wwell cultured gam im vvery wwell awware a wwhat hes capable of
especially if youre anythin to go off of
but that doesnt mean wwe cant handle his chucklin ass
theres definitely more a us an instead a us runnin awway like scared grubs like he wwants us to do
wwe need to fuckin showw him wwe arent some pathetic scared little wwrigglers an wwere not takin his shit


faygot December 3 2011, 08:28:13 UTC
ThAt mOtHeRfUcKeR Is gOnNa lAy sO MaNy fUcKiN VoOdOoS On yOuR PaN
YoU AiN'T AlL GoNnA Be kNoWiNg wHaT Be uP AnD DoWn.
YoU EvEr aLl fUcKiN FeLt lIkE YoU DoNe wErE DrOwNiNg oN YoUr oWn fUcKiN FeAr?
It aIn't fUcKiN FuNnY, lEt mE TeLl.
SuBjUgGlAtOrS AiN'T GeT FuCkIn wEaKeR On tHeIr oWn.
MoThErFuCkErS GeT FuCkIn sTrOnGeR CaUsE ThEy kNoW ThEy aIn't gOtTa cArE AbOuT No oNe.
AlL ThEy gOtTa gEt tHeIr cArE On fOr iS CuLlInG.
AnD ThE FiRsT MoThErFuCkEr wHaT Is aLl gOnNa gEt cUlLeD
Is kArKaT.
YoU FuCkIn kNoW ThAt.


yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 08:37:10 UTC
first off gam you seem to forget about a certain advvantage us seadwwellers havve wwhen it comes to those chucklevvoodoos you all havve
they dont fuckin wwork wwhy the fuck do you think wwere on the fuckin top
and i fuckin knoww wwho his primary target wwill fuckin be an thats wwhy i wwont just sit by and hide like some fuckin COWWARD i wwont let him put a fuckin CLAW on kar i wwont let him evven so much as gaze in a ominous an hostile wway towards him
ill fuckin run rivvers of his blood through this goddamn fuckin BUBBLE before he can evven fuckin ENTERTAIN the THOUGHT a spillin a fuckin DROP a kars blood
kar wwont be fuckin harmed ill be DAMN fuckin SURE a it gam


faygot December 3 2011, 09:00:57 UTC
YoU SuRe aBoUt tHaT, mOtHeRfUcKeR?
I AiN'T AlL TrYiNg tO FuCkIn mEsS WiTh yA Or nOtHiNg.
YoU'Re mY BrO. i wOrRy.
I GoT ThIs sHiT In mY FuCkIn pAn aNd i aIn't eVeN AlL FuCkIn kNoW HoW ThE FuCk iT WoRkS.
YoU SuRe tHaT If yOu wErE AlL To bE LoCkInG LoOkStUb wItH ThAt mOtHeRfUcKeR
He wOuLdN'T GeT In yOuR PaN?
He aIn't lIkE Me.
MoThErFuCkEr iSn't aLl sIx.
He aIn't a fUcKiN FuCk uP.
He gOt tHaT ShIt jAcKeD TiGhTeR ThAn aNy mOtHeRfUcKeR.
If tHeRe aLl bE A FuCkIn cRaCk tO GeT In, He'lL FuCkIn gEt iN.
YoU AiN'T DeSeRvE To hAvE YoUr pAn mEsSeD AbOuT LiKe tHaT.
We gOtTa kEeP KaRkAt sAfE.
LeT ThE MoThErFuCkIn aDuLtS DeAl wItH It.
ThAt's wHaT SiGnLeSs sAiD.
ThEy aLl bE ReAl sTrOnG, aIgHt?
I'M SuRe tHeY CaN Up aNd fUcKiN Do sOmEtHiNg.


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yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 12:32:58 UTC

wwe cant just fuckin run an hide forevver that wwont wwork
if wwe hide like a bunch a fuckin cowwards hell find us theres only so far wwe can fuckin run
wwe took on the black fuckin king he might be the goddamn grand highblood but wwevve handled wworse than him an its not like this is gonna be handled wwith some silly fuckin shooshin an pattin
i dont think that shit wwill mean a goddamn fuckin thing to him
so wwe can givve into bein fearful little wwrigglers or wwe can fuckin do somethin about this
i for one wwill not alloww him to fuckin harm anyone i givve a shit about ill tell you that fuckin much


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yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 12:59:52 UTC
no you fuckin didnt but either wway i cant see this endin any other fuckin wway than in someones death an i rather it his than ours
evven if he comes back
if wwe can just fuckin showw him wwere hardly somethin to fuckin mess wwith

[He stops, knowing this won't get him anywhere. After a few moments he finishes.]

wwhatevver fine not like it matters
wwe can go and wwe can plan but i dont think the outcome is gonna change in the fuckin slightest


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yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 13:07:03 UTC
evven if its not permanent it honestly looks like the only one wwe havve right noww
but fine
i just dont wwant you gettin killed kar an i knoww hell be after you
cant fuckin bare the thought a him gettin his prongs on you an ill fuckin kill him a thousand times ovver if it means keepin you fuckin safe


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yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 13:29:40 UTC


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yerawizarderri December 3 2011, 13:49:51 UTC
wwe fuckin better kar
if not i WWILL resort to unleashin some dowwnright righteous fuckin highblood FURY on this clowwnfreak
anythin to keep you safe



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