OK, so have got my
Whitby photos loaded up!! I'm pretty proud of them, and have only chosen a select few (well, 29) to put on there, so enjoy.
I actually had a lovely surprise when I came home at lunch time. A couple of weeks back, I did a CD for someone on my Ches group. She didn't have a load of tracks so offered to send her the ones I had. No skin off my nose and expected nothing in return (apart from a nice thankyou email or something like that). She sent me a Terry's Chocolate Orange by way of saying thank you and it arrived today. Totally unexpected (ok, not totally as she said she'd send me something but didn't actually execpt anything). I was quite touched by that.
It's been a really stranged afternoon. This morning I wasn't too bad, but this afternoon I was getting myself into knots over nothing in particular! Does anyone else do that sometimes or is it just me?? It's like little things that, under normal circumstances, you wouldn't give a second thought about. But for some reason you start thinking about it ... quite bizaare!
Anyways, I think it's time for dinner!!