Nov 26, 2005 17:12
OK, got back about 20 mins ago from the cinema ... yep, finally got to see Harry Potter :) Really enjoyed it too. If it wasn't for the 2 lasses next to me (who spent the entrie flick either talking or messing about it a mobile phone - both on and off, not all the time) and 2 of the girls in front of me (who got up at least a dozen times), mixed with my knees deceiding to start ceasing up after an hour, I'd have enjoyed it a helluva lot more. I really wish I'd paid the extra £2 to go and see it in the Directors Auditorium now. Got the gist (and almost started to cry at one point too ... but won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read the book and wants to see the film), and am really looking forward to getting on DVD so I can watch it properly.
Apart from that I don't know what it is with me at the moment. Little things seem to be leaving me really aggravated. Most of it is down to me being totally exhausted for sure, need a proper break - not one where I'm travelling all over the place. No idea when that'll happen mind.
Guess I'd better go and see if I can talk someone into running me to a cash point so I can buy my dinner from the chinese and also for tonight. I've only got £50 in there, but I do have some money to one side (which was planned for London in January, but think I'll need to use some of it). Oh well, shit happens.