Sep 04, 2005 14:27
...has been strange really. I don't think being up for an hour through the night helped much. Managed to actually stay in bed til about 10.30 though (makes a change for me recently).
Went into work for about 1½ hours just to tie a few ends up. Thought it would've taken me longer but I didn't know Lauren's password so couldn't get onto her PC to check her emails for booking confirmations.
I got home to Em playing hell about the mess in the kitchen this morning. I told her that I'd refused to do it as I was also pissed off with my parents leaving it a pigsty and then expecting us to clean up after them. My mum actually came out with a classy comment appeantly, that she ALWAYS tidy's up after herself (yeah ... sure!). I think it's gonna be a competition as to who explodes at both of them .. me or Em. Rick has already said that if Em starts he's gonna leave the house until she's done, I said that I'd actually back her up.
I went onto J's LJ earlier and there's been a comment left by someone on his friends list who doesn't appear to know about him. I've left a message on her journal and also replied to the one she left on his. Hopefully she'll be in touch so I can update her on things. The message has been on there almost a month too, it didn't actually occour to me to keep checking for comments left on there. I guess I wanted to try and re-live the weekend we had together a little and how it was actually cut short. Prft
It may not sound strange but I feel really strange today, a little lost maybe. Possibly the come down after a wicked day yesterday (always happens to me).
Anyways, it a gorgeous day out there so I think I'll grab some lunch and head out for a walk. Lee copied me a load of Def Leppard stuff onto tapes so I'll listen to one of those I think.