Haircut dread

Dec 24, 2009 01:17

Sorry if this is boring. It's about my hair.

Since my last haircut I've worn my hair in a ponytail every day. To be honest it isn't that terrible (anymore), but I still hate it.

Over the last two and a half years I've gone to three different people, all of them charging between 60-80 dollars, and all of them giving me haircuts that I either hated or strongly disliked.

The last one was at my mom's expensive Beverly Hills guy. I've been to him a number of times. The first time I went he assured me it was the remaining elements of the previous haircut that were the trouble, and he would fix them as soon as they grew out. So I came back to him with long hair past my shoulders, and he still managed to make my hair look bad (kind of old-woman-like and kind of dog-ear-like).

I walked into that last haircut hoping for something like Anne Hathway. It makes sense, because I have naturally stick-straight hair (so of course I wish I had curls), and because I used to have bangs and I rocked them, I think. As a kid I mostly read sci-fi and had no friends, so maybe rock isn't a word to use.

SO I walked in and told him I wanted bangs and he looked at me funny and said, no you don't, and from there it was all downhill. He tried a few different things, I said I didn't like them, he tried to fix it, and my hair got shorter and weirder until we had to give up because I really didn't want short hair.

I left totally and utterly disappointed, and because I haircuts do this to me, in tears. I hate to sound like a spoiled brat, but when I go into a haircut I'm both elated (at the possibility of ending up gorgeous) and terrified (at the possibility of ending up hideous). And all that waiting for my hair to grow out...and then having to wait again...I couldn't help it. And I mean that, because what mortifies me more than anything is accidentally showing disappointment in somebody for something they earnestly tried to do well.

Point is: I've been looking at my hair, and it is time for a haircut. Nothing drastic, because I still want that haircut in the picture of Anne Hatheway, but something for the interim. I'm too embarrassed to go back to the Beverly Hills guy, and also I think that after he's failed me multiple times in a row, maybe it is time to try another place.

Does anybody have any ideas?
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