Mar 13, 2009 16:02
I've written in to you once before as MoveOn has become more and more radical, but now you've moved to utter tastelessness. I'm worried that you are turning into the liberal version of Ann Coulter.
Was it really necessary to say "damned" in your most recent email heading, "Lies,Damned Lies!" Do you need to swear in your subject lines to get your point across? Even when I agree with you, your extreme take on every word which passes a politician or reporter's lips is off-putting and occasionally insulting to my intelligence.
Again, it would be wonderful if MoveOn.Org would return to its 2004 roots of bringing multiple types of people together to achieve a common goal of commonsense in government, rather than trying to excite yellow-journalism-esque panic and using divisionary language. Please, stop pushing us moderates away. I stay signed up, but I don't know how many others do.