Jun 28, 2007 13:52
So I got my present from my Mom. It took several days of UPS haggling but I finally got it. I lugged the big box home on the T from work and waited till she was on the phone to open it up. Any guesses as to what she bought me?
A popcorn maker.
Yep, an unsolicited popcorn maker. I can probbaly count on my fingers how many times in the last five years I ate popcorn. My mother thought since we watch movies all the time wouldn't it be nice if we could have fresh popcorn and hence the kitchen appliance for my birthday. I'm not sure what to make of this. She's normally very good at presents and I don't understand how she completely failed this time around. I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't like her gift, so I pretended that it was great. I feel like I can't give the sucker away, yet I don't really plan on using it.
Getting a crappy present isn't really a big deal and if this is the worst thing that happens for my b-day, then I'm getting off easy (no one in the hospital or dead is a good year). I mean she remembered, ok for the wrong date - she thought my b-day was the 23, it's actually the 29, but she did remember. I know I should let this go and just make popcorn my new favorite snack but the whole thing kind of depresses me.
She's my MOM and she should KNOW when my birthday is.
No one should get an unsolicited appliance for their birthday.
Stupid I know...I'm an adult and I should totally be over the birthday thing but I'n really not.