24 Flashback prompts

Feb 07, 2007 22:23

 it'sI can't believe I'm doing this...but this is a challenge over at sn_flashbackthat for some reason I thought sounded like fun. Pretty much the commitment is to write a story per year of the boys' lives since Sam was born, hence the two numbers in each box. I still need to put some thought into what I want to use as my prompts for each year. I'm open to suggestions. Let's hope I can finish it :)

0/4. early1/5.2/6. training3/7. home4/8. puppies5/9. heaven6/10. target7/11. abandon8/12.9/13. prayer10/14.11/15. conjugation12/16. bleed13/17. love14/18. subterfuge15/19. wired16/20. guise17/21. punch18/22. cold19/23. adjustment20/24. summer21/25. confession22/26.23/27.

flashback 24

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