Title: Devil's Playground
Author: Fayding_fast
Chapter: 8/12
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson (pre-slash)
Spoilers: Yes, for Wilson's Heart
Con-crit? Yes please and thank you kindly.
Summary: House meets a strange man who promises House that he can help him to get his friendship with Wilson back on track.
Devil's Playground, part 8 )
Comments 4
Wow. Just...wow.
I don't know if I can wait long to find out what happens next. This was, without question, my favorite part of the story so far. I read through it once and just had to read through it again. Of course, I'm a huge fan of your broken-Wilson, but you outdid yourself with this one. I really felt House's uncertainty settle in - the sense of "what have I done?" was almost visceral.
Please tell me an update will be soon.
Hmmm, House should feel guility. His behavior has been reprehensible. Not only has he lied, but if he'd chosen to go back to a different point in time, Amber needn't have died at all.
I normally update every 2-3 wks.
Thank you for your feedback :)
Poor, poor, Wilson. I just want to squish him.
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