I am so fucking tired of people calling me "sir" when I've got braided pigtails and wearing a bright pink dress. I swear to Goddess, the next person to do that is getting a swift punch in the face.
Nah, I'm not that mean. I'll just politely say, "It is impolite to refer to someone by the wrong gender pronouns and titles. I am not, nor have I ever been, a 'sir.'" And if they respond with some transphobic remark, THEN I can punch them in the face.
I hate it when I wake up feeling like shit, and it just gets worse. Even worse is when I feel okay and THEN feel like shit, like today. I was going to have some chicken, but then I got a headache, so it's too greasy. I haven't had much besides some beans and rice so far today. But I was out and about a little bit ago, hence the above griping.
Ye Gods, I need meat in my diet today and every meat source I have is greasy or has some other thing that will make me feel worse.
EDIT: Yeah, I don't recall if I ever mentioned this in my application for disability, but I just have days where I feel like absolute shit for no apparent reason.
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