"No Heroics" Britcom

Sep 28, 2008 03:02

Gods, I want to see this:

The creator of ITV's new superhero comedy series No Heroics insists he lacks the superpower needed to align the stars in his favor.
Yet Drew Pearce's six-episode exploration of real-world superheroes who battle very human ennui arrived on U.K. screens this summer just as The Dark Knight was setting new box office records and the late Heath Ledger and comeback player of the year Robert Downey Jr. were making superhero roles safe for Academy Award chatter.
It was all just a happy coincidence for Pearce, the writer/show-runner of previous U.K. shows Lip Service and Damage Control.
"I've been a longtime comics nerd, and this is an idea I've looked forward to doing for a long time now," Pearce told Wired.com from London. "I had no way of knowing [No Heroics] would come to TV while The Dark Knight was becoming The Godfather: Part II of superhero movies."

No Heroics (trailer embedded) features a collection of super-powered neurotics battling life in the everyday world. Marked by the same dry, existential humor that drove The Office (with enough of the surreal playfulness of Spaced), there should be enough laughs in each episode for nerds and non-geeks alike.
Nicholas Burns plays The Hotness, a Human Torch wannabe desperate for the fame and fortune he thinks he deserves. Rebekah Staton portrays She-Force -- the marriage-crazed, third-strongest woman in the world. James Lance is Timebomb, a self-destructive dysfunctional who can see 60 seconds into his ever-bleak future. And Patrick Baladi rips it up as Excelsior, the ultra-powerful Superman-style hero of the group who allowed his powers to turn him into a raging jackass.

Read the rest and see the trailer.

cool stuff, funny, tv, videos, britain, youtube

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