May 18, 2008 05:56
I'm fairly easy to please as far as science fiction and fantasy TV and movies go. Considered good by the populace or not, I usually like them when I've seen them. Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Stargate: Atlantis, Dr. Who, Red Dwarf, Torchwood, Buffy, Angel... the list goes on and on.
But I don't want to talk right now about the ones I like, I want to talk about the ones I can't stand.
I'll start with Firefly. Space Western? Sorry, I hate westerns. I did give this one a chance, watched a couple episodes. Only reason I gave it a chance was because Joss Whedon created it. He'd done great with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, so I gave Firefly a shot. Couldn't stand it. My personal opinion is that Firefly sucked and deserved to be canceled. And the reavers? Oh yes, let's make a space western with zombies, and try to be serious about it. Oy, he could have made it a comedy like Buffy and Angel and had another blockbuster hit. Instead, he created a pile of beaver dung that only lasted 1 season. It had 14 episodes? Oy, what a waste of money, it should have been scrapped after the pilot. I mean seriously? Space western with zombies? What next, a space opera where high-tech vikings face off against werewolves?
Battlestar Galactica. I hate the style, everything about it. Not fond of the story line either. But the style is the reason I hate it. If it was just the storyline, I'd like it okay. But I have never seen a more boring pile of shit for a scifi show ever. Very little action, the plot is shallow and transparent, the whole idea of the show is cliche and overdone, and the photography grates on my eyeballs. I never saw a whole episode of the original series, but from what little I've seen of it, it was better than the new one, because at least the old one was funny. My dad is just gaga over this new Gigglestar Badactica, but I was supremely unimpressed. I mean, the entire series could be summed up like this: A bunch of humans, the last of their kind, fight robots on their way to Earth. They do it by talking a lot, but not about anything interesting, and even their robot battles are yawn-inducing. Gods, forget the bombs and energy weapons, they could beat the cylons by talking them to death. Why is it that so many of the good series get canceled early but most of the crappy ones limp on and on? When will this one die already?
Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda. My feelings on this one are complicated. I liked this show's early episodes. And some others. Haven't actually seen much of this show in order. I have seen a lot of episodes but they were kind of scattered about. But I've seen enough to know that I liked the show better when that peaceful Magog guy was around, and Trance was purple and had a tail. When she changed colors, and when that Magog guy disappeared, things began to go downhill. I refuse to watch any of the newer episodes now, it sucks so bad anymore. Is that show still making new episodes? I dunno, I stopped paying attention.
Earth: Final Conflict. It's been too long since I've seen this series to give any kind of good reasons for why I hated this show, aside from the general cliche theme of evil alien invaders taking over the earth. In the end, I think the only really good thing Gene Roddenberry created was Star Trek. But moving on... yeah, couldn't stand this show. I gave it lots of chances, too. I watched this show even though I didn't like it, to see if there were any redeeming qualities. If there were, they weren't redeeming enough for me to remember them.
Yup, there we are. Out of Goddess only knows how many scifi and fantasy series I've seen, only disliked 4. Though my memory isn't 100%. Feel free to suggest series not mentioned here to see if maybe I missed some that I hated.
my self,
geeking out