Autistic things

Sep 15, 2019 21:52

Went to Shrewsbury Renaissance faire today. Wrote the following while still in the cell phone dead zone on our way home:

Autistic things, number 646808: I went to see the same music group at three different stages because I stim to the music, especially the drums.

Though honestly, it was mostly accidental. I'd been sitting down a while at this picnic table, got up because I felt bad about taking up seating when I was done eating. Went walking about, sat down by one of the stages instead, fell in love with this one group's music. They had a guitar, a violin, one of those drums you hold between your knees to play, a recorder, some Greek flute, (tambourine ish thing), and a singer. Stayed there awhile listening to this other guy on a mandolin, who also sang.

Then I had to get up to walk around because my butt was tired and my legs were tingly on the low seats. Ended up walking into the wooded area, just ambling along. I was approaching the tavern back there when I heard that one group's music again. Walked over and watched again.

The seats there were higher, so my legs were fine, but my butt was tired again, so I got up and wandered around again. Eventually ended up by the jousting area, noticed the singer from that group again, remembered her saying they were playing down there at the other tavern. So I went over and sat down.

Didn't actually get to stay and listen, though; Victor had thrown his knee out, and someone working for faire had been tasked with finding me, which she did while the group was getting ready to play. (Apparently it took awhile. All my walking around made me harder to find.)

But the point is, I was stimming to their music enough to want to watch them three times.)

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