The others in my brain with me sometimes share in my ‘game’ of running through hypothetical situations in their mind, deciding what their responses would be. Some of these situations are less hypothetical than others. Like, for instance, I still occasionally get asked by kids if I’m a boy or a girl. This is what Molly decided would be her response if she were fronting when one asked us that:
Kid: Are you a boy or a girl?
Molly: I'm both.
Kid: You can't be both!
Molly: Sure ya can. Babies aren't either one when they're born, it's why they're bald and look like little old men. The doctor decides which one you are when you're born, by hitting either the 'boy' button or the 'girl' button. Well my doctor slipped on a wet floor and accidentally hit both buttons. Cuz I'm both, I get to pick which one I wanna be. For years I picked 'boy,' but that was a bad fit, like tryna wear a shirt that’s too small, so I changed my mind and now I'm a girl, which fits me very nicely.
Yes, Molly is indeed weird. Hey, she’s lived with me her whole life, of course she’s weird! This is the same girl, after all, who decided that because men call their penis a “Johnson,” that our penis should be named “Joan,” because “it’s a girl penis.” And then proceeded to name our testicles Anastasia and Druella, because they’re Joan’s “ugly stepsisters.”
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